- bytestring-trie is not available - hls - modern shell.nix - base - Re-implement trie, with benchmarks - Realize my implementation of trie is slower than Data.Map, use that instead
55 lines
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55 lines
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module Main where
import Criterion.Main (defaultMain)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Hedgehog.Corpus (muppets, simpsons, vegetables, viruses)
import Criterion
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Trie as Trie
setupEnv :: IO ([(ByteString, ())], [(ByteString, ())])
setupEnv = pure (small, big)
small =
[ (firstname <> "." <> surname <> "@" <> domain <> "." <> tld, ())
| firstname <- simpsons
, surname <- muppets
, domain <- vegetables
, tld <- ["com", "fi", "co.uk", "info", "org"]
big =
[ (firstname <> "." <> surname <> "@" <> domain1 <> "." <> domain2 <> "." <> tld, ())
| firstname <- simpsons
, surname <- muppets
, domain1 <- vegetables
, domain2 <- viruses
, tld <- ["com", "fi", "co.uk", "info", "org"]
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
[ env setupEnv $ \ ~(small,big) -> bgroup "main"
[ bgroup "small"
[ bgroup "Data.Map"
[ bench "length . toList . fromList" $ whnf (length . M.toList . M.fromList) small
, bench "length . filter (\"homer\" `isPrefixOf`) . keys . fromList" $ whnf (length . M.keys . M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> "homer" `B.isPrefixOf` k) . M.fromList) small
, bgroup "Data.Trie"
[ bench "length . toList . fromList" $ whnf (length . Trie.toList . Trie.fromList) small
, bench "length . keys . submap \"homer\" . fromList" $ whnf (length . Trie.keys . Trie.submap "homer" . Trie.fromList) small
, bgroup "big"
[ bgroup "Data.Map"
[ bench "length . toList . fromList" $ whnf (length . M.toList . M.fromList) big
, bench "length . filter (\"homer\" `isPrefixOf`) . keys . fromList" $ whnf (length . M.keys . M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> "homer" `B.isPrefixOf` k) . M.fromList) big
, bgroup "Data.Trie"
[ bench "length . toList . fromList" $ whnf (length . Trie.toList . Trie.fromList) big
, bench "length . keys . submap \"homer\" . fromList" $ whnf (length . Trie.keys . Trie.submap "homer" . Trie.fromList) big