
76 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Data.Buuka
( BuukaQ(..)
, BuukaU(..)
, BuukaEntry(..)
, URL(..)
, Buuka
, insert
, elements
, fingerprint
import Database.Migrations
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bits
(finiteBitSize, shiftR, (.&.))
import Data.Hashable
(Hashable, hash)
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Text
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
newtype URL = URL Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
deriving newtype (ToJSON, FromJSON, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, Hashable)
data BuukaEntry
= BuukaEntry { url :: URL
, title :: Maybe Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON, Hashable)
instance SafeJSON BuukaEntry where
type Version BuukaEntry = 0
newtype Buuka = Buuka [BuukaEntry]
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid, FromJSON, ToJSON, Hashable)
insert :: BuukaEntry -> Buuka -> Buuka
insert e (Buuka b) = Buuka (e : b)
elements :: Buuka -> [BuukaEntry]
elements (Buuka b) = b
-- | Create a (non-cryptographic) hash out of the 'Buuka'
fingerprint :: Buuka -> ByteString
fingerprint = toBS . hash
toBS x =
let bs = finiteBitSize x
in B.pack [fromIntegral ((x `shiftR` s) .&. 255) | s <- [0..bs - 1]]
instance SafeJSON Buuka where
type Version Buuka = 0
newtype BuukaQ a = BuukaQ { runBuukaQ :: Reader Buuka a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader Buuka)
-- Last write wins
newtype BuukaU a = BuukaU { runBuukaU :: State Buuka a }
deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState Buuka)