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2022-08-18 19:19:59 +03:00
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
module Test.Hledger.Row where
import Data.Time
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import Hledger.Row
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Hedgehog
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as Conduit
import Conduit (runConduit, (.|), yield)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
genRow :: Gen Row
genRow = Gen.frequency [(1, pure Empty), (9, Row <$> genContent)]
genContent :: Gen RowContent
genContent = RowContent <$> genOperation <*> genTime
genOperation :: Gen Operation
genOperation = Gen.choice [In <$> genTask, pure Out]
genTime :: Gen LocalTime
genTime = do
(days, tod) <- timeToDaysAndTimeOfDay . fromInteger <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 1_000_000_000)
pure $ LocalTime (ModifiedJulianDay days) tod
genTask :: Gen Task
-- The fromJust is sensible here because the generator makes non-empty
-- tasks
genTask = fromJust . task <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 1 50) (Gen.element taskChars)
taskChars :: String
taskChars = '.' : ['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z']
spec :: Spec
spec = context "Hledger.Row" $ do
describe "Properties of tasks" $ do
it "a task is never empty" $ hedgehog $ do
t <- forAll (task <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 100) Gen.unicode)
case t of
-- If the smart constructor has failed, it means it has caught something
Nothing -> success
Just t' -> assert (getTask t' /= "")
describe "Encoding and decoding rows" $ do
it "satisfies roundtripping property" $ hedgehog $ do
row <- forAll genRow
tripping row encode decode
it "decodes in the presence of whitespace" $ hedgehog $ do
row <- forAll genRow
whitespace <- forAll (TE.encodeUtf8 <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) (pure ' '))
let encoded = whitespace <> encode row
annotateShow encoded
decode encoded === pure row
it "doesn't add any extra whitespace" $ hedgehog $ do
row <- forAll genRow
let encoded = encode row
annotateShow encoded
assert (not (" " `B.isSuffixOf` encoded))
assert (not (" " `B.isPrefixOf` encoded))
describe "Handling files" $ do
it "roundtrips file contents" $ hedgehog $ do
rows <- forAll (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 100) genRow)
got <- runConduit (traverse_ yield rows .| encodeFile .| decodeFile .| Conduit.sinkList )
rows === got