# wunjo prompt theme # Modified by MasseR to include the battery script autoload -U zgitinit zgitinit prompt_wunjo_help () { cat <<'EOF' prompt wunjo EOF } revstring() { git describe --tags --always $1 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --short $1 2>/dev/null } coloratom() { local off=$1 atom=$2 if [[ $atom[1] == [[:upper:]] ]]; then off=$(( $off + 60 )) fi echo $(( $off + $colorcode[${(L)atom}] )) } colorword() { local fg=$1 bg=$2 att=$3 local -a s if [ -n "$fg" ]; then s+=$(coloratom 30 $fg) fi if [ -n "$bg" ]; then s+=$(coloratom 40 $bg) fi if [ -n "$att" ]; then s+=$attcode[$att] fi echo "%{"$'\e['${(j:;:)s}m"%}" } prompt_wunjo_setup() { local verbose if [[ $TERM == screen* ]] && [ -n "$STY" ]; then verbose= else verbose=1 fi typeset -A colorcode colorcode[black]=0 colorcode[red]=1 colorcode[green]=2 colorcode[yellow]=3 colorcode[blue]=4 colorcode[magenta]=5 colorcode[cyan]=6 colorcode[white]=7 colorcode[default]=9 colorcode[k]=$colorcode[black] colorcode[r]=$colorcode[red] colorcode[g]=$colorcode[green] colorcode[y]=$colorcode[yellow] colorcode[b]=$colorcode[blue] colorcode[m]=$colorcode[magenta] colorcode[c]=$colorcode[cyan] colorcode[w]=$colorcode[white] colorcode[.]=$colorcode[default] typeset -A attcode attcode[none]=00 attcode[bold]=01 attcode[faint]=02 attcode[standout]=03 attcode[underline]=04 attcode[blink]=05 attcode[reverse]=07 attcode[conceal]=08 attcode[normal]=22 attcode[no-standout]=23 attcode[no-underline]=24 attcode[no-blink]=25 attcode[no-reverse]=27 attcode[no-conceal]=28 local -A pc pc[default]='default' pc[date]='cyan' pc[time]='Blue' pc[host]='Green' pc[user]='cyan' pc[punc]='yellow' pc[line]='magenta' pc[hist]='green' pc[path]='Cyan' pc[shortpath]='default' pc[rc]='red' pc[remote]='red' pc[scm_branch]='Cyan' pc[scm_commitid]='Yellow' pc[scm_status_dirty]='Red' pc[scm_status_staged]='Green' pc[#]='Yellow' for cn in ${(k)pc}; do pc[${cn}]=$(colorword $pc[$cn]) done pc[reset]=$(colorword . . 00) typeset -Ag wunjo_prompt_colors wunjo_prompt_colors=(${(kv)pc}) local p_date p_line p_rc p_date="$pc[date]%D{%Y-%m-%d} $pc[time]%D{%T}$pc[reset]" p_line="$pc[line]%y$pc[reset]" PROMPT= # Add indication if remote if [ ! -e $SSH_CLIENT ]; then host=$(echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -f1 -d " ") PROMPT+="$pc[remote]($host)$pc[reset]" fi # Add indication if nix shell if [ ! -e $IN_NIX_SHELL ]; then PROMPT+="$pc[nix]($IN_NIX_SHELL)$pc[reset]" fi if [ $verbose ]; then PROMPT+="$pc[host]%m$pc[reset] " fi PROMPT+="$pc[path]%(2~.%~.%/)$pc[reset]" PROMPT+="\$(prompt_wunjo_scm_status)" PROMPT+="%(?.. $pc[rc]exited %1v$pc[reset])" PROMPT+=" " PROMPT+="$pc[hist]%h$pc[reset] " PROMPT+="$pc[shortpath]%1~$pc[reset]" PROMPT+="\$(prompt_wunjo_scm_branch)" PROMPT+=" $pc[#]%#$pc[reset] " export PROMPT add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_wunjo_precmd } prompt_wunjo_precmd() { local ex=$? psvar=() if [ -e /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0 ]; then battery=$(~/bin/zsh-battery) RPROMPT=$battery fi if [[ $ex -ge 128 ]]; then sig=$signals[$ex-127] psvar[1]="sig${(L)sig}" else psvar[1]="$ex" fi } prompt_wunjo_scm_status() { zgit_isgit || return local -A pc pc=(${(kv)wunjo_prompt_colors}) head=$(zgit_head) gitcommit=$(revstring $head) local -a commits if zgit_rebaseinfo; then orig_commit=$(revstring $zgit_info[rb_head]) orig_name=$(git name-rev --name-only $zgit_info[rb_head]) orig="$pc[scm_branch]$orig_name$pc[punc]($pc[scm_commitid]$orig_commit$pc[punc])" onto_commit=$(revstring $zgit_info[rb_onto]) onto_name=$(git name-rev --name-only $zgit_info[rb_onto]) onto="$pc[scm_branch]$onto_name$pc[punc]($pc[scm_commitid]$onto_commit$pc[punc])" if [ -n "$zgit_info[rb_upstream]" ] && [ $zgit_info[rb_upstream] != $zgit_info[rb_onto] ]; then upstream_commit=$(revstring $zgit_info[rb_upstream]) upstream_name=$(git name-rev --name-only $zgit_info[rb_upstream]) upstream="$pc[scm_branch]$upstream_name$pc[punc]($pc[scm_commitid]$upstream_commit$pc[punc])" commits+="rebasing $upstream$pc[reset]..$orig$pc[reset] onto $onto$pc[reset]" else commits+="rebasing $onto$pc[reset]..$orig$pc[reset]" fi local -a revs revs=($(git rev-list $zgit_info[rb_onto]..HEAD)) if [ $#revs -gt 0 ]; then commits+="\n$#revs commits in" fi if [ -f $zgit_info[dotest]/message ]; then mess=$(head -n1 $zgit_info[dotest]/message) commits+="on $mess" fi elif [ -n "$gitcommit" ]; then commits+="on $pc[scm_branch]$head$pc[punc]($pc[scm_commitid]$gitcommit$pc[punc])$pc[reset]" local track_merge=$(zgit_tracking_merge) if [ -n "$track_merge" ]; then if git rev-parse --verify -q $track_merge >/dev/null; then local track_remote=$(zgit_tracking_remote) local tracked=$(revstring $track_merge 2>/dev/null) local -a revs revs=($(git rev-list --reverse $track_merge..HEAD)) if [ $#revs -gt 0 ]; then local base=$(revstring $revs[1]~1) local base_name=$(git name-rev --name-only $base) local base_short=$(revstring $base) local word_commits if [ $#revs -gt 1 ]; then word_commits='commits' else word_commits='commit' fi local conj="since" if [[ "$base" == "$tracked" ]]; then conj+=" tracked" tracked= fi commits+="$#revs $word_commits $conj $pc[scm_branch]$base_name$pc[punc]($pc[scm_commitid]$base_short$pc[punc])$pc[reset]" fi if [ -n "$tracked" ]; then local track_name=$track_merge if [[ $track_remote == "." ]]; then track_name=${track_name##*/} fi tracked=$(revstring $tracked) commits+="tracking $pc[scm_branch]$track_name$pc[punc]" if [[ "$tracked" != "$gitcommit" ]]; then commits[$#commits]+="($pc[scm_commitid]$tracked$pc[punc])" fi commits[$#commits]+="$pc[reset]" fi fi fi fi gitsvn=$(git rev-parse --verify -q --short git-svn) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then gitsvnrev=$(zgit_svnhead $gitsvn) gitsvn=$(revstring $gitsvn) if [ -n "$gitsvnrev" ]; then local svninfo='' local -a revs svninfo+="$pc[default]svn$pc[punc]:$pc[scm_branch]r$gitsvnrev" revs=($(git rev-list git-svn..HEAD)) if [ $#revs -gt 0 ]; then svninfo+="$pc[punc]@$pc[default]HEAD~$#revs" svninfo+="$pc[punc]($pc[scm_commitid]$gitsvn$pc[punc])" fi commits+=$svninfo fi fi if [ $#commits -gt 0 ]; then echo -n " ${(j: :)commits}" fi } prompt_wunjo_scm_branch() { zgit_isgit || return local -A pc pc=(${(kv)wunjo_prompt_colors}) echo -n "$pc[punc]:$pc[scm_branch]$(zgit_head)" if zgit_inworktree; then if ! zgit_isindexclean; then echo -n "$pc[scm_status_staged]+" fi local -a dirty if ! zgit_isworktreeclean; then dirty+='!' fi if zgit_hasunmerged; then dirty+='*' fi if zgit_hasuntracked; then dirty+='?' fi if [ $#dirty -gt 0 ]; then echo -n "$pc[scm_status_dirty]${(j::)dirty}" fi fi echo $pc[reset] } prompt_wunjo_setup "$@" # vim:set ft=zsh: