title: Mats Rauhala


I'm a software developer from southern Finland. I'm currently working as a
Haskell developer at Relex Oy involved in an internal tool. I also have
experience with systems integrations and backend web development.

I'm also an aviation enthusiast. I have a glider pilots license and a touring
motor glider pilots license (LAPL(S)+TMG).

My [GPG key](./resources/2104943D6033C.txt)

### Notable experience and interests

- **Haskell**
  - Working on an internal Haskell based tool at Relex Oy
  - Some contributions to [darcshub](https://hub.darcs.net/)
  - Some contributions to [xmonad](https://github.com/xmonad)
  - Dozens of personal projects, most of which ended up being just tests for
    different libraries, techniques or algorithms.
- **Systems integrations**
  - Working as a consultant from Avoltus Oy to different companies using
    [Mulesoft](https://developer.mulesoft.com/). Systems include webshops,
    different databases, CRMs and ERPs.
- **Java**
  - Bunch of different smaller projects while working at Avoltus Oy.
- **Other**
  - I was involved in creating an email solicit platform.