{ nixpkgs ? import {} }: with nixpkgs; let easy-dhall-nix-src = with builtins; fetchgit { inherit (fromJSON (readFile ./easy-dhall-nix.json)) url rev sha256 fetchSubmodules; }; easy-hls-src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ssbothwell"; repo = "easy-hls-nix"; inherit (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./easy-hls-nix.json)) rev sha256; }; easy-hls = callPackage easy-hls-src { ghcVersions = [ hp.ghc.version ]; }; easy-dhall-nix = import easy-dhall-nix-src {}; hp = haskellPackages.extend (self: super: { reddit_pub = self.callPackage ./. {}; }); in hp.shellFor { packages = h: [h.reddit_pub]; withHoogle = true; buildInputs = [ easy-dhall-nix.dhall-lsp-simple entr cabal-install haskellPackages.hlint stylish-haskell ghcid easy-hls sqlite-interactive rrdtool jq haskellPackages.graphmod ]; }