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2019-03-19 10:10:18 +02:00
module XMonad.Password (passGeneratePrompt, passPrompt) where
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (foldl', scanl', sort, sortBy)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath.Posix (dropExtension, takeExtension, (</>))
import System.Posix.Env (getEnv)
import XMonad.Core
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Util.Run (runProcessWithInput)
2019-03-21 22:26:47 +02:00
newtype Pass = Pass { passLabel :: String }
2019-03-19 10:10:18 +02:00
-- Rosetta code levenshtein
levenshtein :: String -> String -> Int
levenshtein s1 s2 = last $ foldl' transform [0..length s1] s2
transform [] _ = []
transform ns@(n:ns1) c = scanl' calc (n+1) $ zip3 s1 ns ns1
calc z (c1, x, y) = minimum [y+1, z+1, x + (fromEnum (c1 /= c) * 2)]
instance XPrompt Pass where
showXPrompt p = passLabel p <> ": "
commandToComplete _ = id
nextCompletion _ = getNextCompletion
passGeneratePrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
passGeneratePrompt _ = return () -- Not implemented
passPrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
passPrompt = mkPassPrompt "Select password" selectPassword
mkPassPrompt :: String -> (String -> X ()) -> XPConfig -> X ()
mkPassPrompt label f conf = do
-- I'm just sorting here, but could use some kind of fuzzy matching instead, but it requires a bit more effort
passwords <- sort <$> liftIO getPasswords
-- Other change, use infixof instead of prefixof
2019-03-21 22:26:47 +02:00
mkXPrompt (Pass label) conf (\input -> pure (sortBy (compare `on` levenshtein input) . filter (consumes input) $ passwords)) f
2019-03-19 10:10:18 +02:00
consumes [] _ = True -- everything consumed
consumes (_:_) [] = False -- all not consumed
consumes (a:xs) (a':ys) | a == a' = consumes xs ys
| otherwise = consumes (a:xs) ys
getStore = do
let storeDefault = (</> ".password-store")
maybe (storeDefault <$> getHomeDirectory) pure =<< getEnv "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR"
getPasswords = do
passwordStoreDir <- getStore
files <- runProcessWithInput "find" [ passwordStoreDir, "-type", "f", "-name", "*.gpg", "-printf", "%P\n"] []
return . map (\path -> if path `hasExtension` ".gpg" then dropExtension path else path) . lines $ files
hasExtension path ext = takeExtension path == ext
selectPassword :: String -> X ()
selectPassword pass = spawn $ "pass --clip " ++ pass