import requests import json class AlarmApiClient: def __init__(self, base_url: str): """ Initialize the Alarm API client. :param base_url: Base URL of the Alarm API server (e.g., 'http://localhost:8000') """ self.base_url = base_url.rstrip("/") def _handle_response(self, response: requests.Response) -> dict: """ Handle API responses, raising exceptions for errors. :param response: The HTTP response object. :return: Parsed JSON data if the response is successful. """ try: response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except requests.HTTPError as e: raise Exception(f"HTTP error {response.status_code}: {response.text}") from e except json.JSONDecodeError: raise Exception("Invalid JSON response") def get_alarms(self) -> list: """ Retrieve all alarms from the API. :return: List of alarm configurations. """ response = requests.get(f"{self.base_url}/") return self._handle_response(response)["data"] def create_alarm(self, alarm_data: dict) -> int: """ Create a new alarm. :param alarm_data: Dictionary containing alarm configuration. :return: ID of the newly created alarm. """ response ="{self.base_url}/", json=alarm_data) return self._handle_response(response)["data"]["id"] def update_alarm(self, alarm_id: int, alarm_data: dict) -> bool: """ Update an existing alarm. :param alarm_id: ID of the alarm to update. :param alarm_data: Updated alarm configuration. :return: True if the update was successful. """ alarm_data["id"] = alarm_id response = requests.put(f"{self.base_url}/", json=alarm_data) return "message" in self._handle_response(response) def delete_alarm(self, alarm_id: int) -> bool: """ Delete an alarm by its ID. :param alarm_id: ID of the alarm to delete. :return: True if the deletion was successful. """ response = requests.delete(f"{self.base_url}/", json={"id": alarm_id}) return "message" in self._handle_response(response) # Example Usage #if __name__ == "__main__": # client = AlarmApiClient("http://localhost:8000") # # # Create a new alarm # new_alarm = { # "name": "Morning Alarm", # "time": "07:00:00", # "repeat_rule": { # "type": "daily" # }, # "enabled": True, # "snooze": { # "enabled": True, # "duration": 10, # "max_count": 3 # }, # "metadata": { # "volume": 80, # "notes": "Wake up alarm" # }, # } # alarm_id = client.create_alarm(new_alarm) # print(f"Created alarm with ID: {alarm_id}") # # # Get all alarms # alarms = client.get_alarms() # print(f"Current alarms: {alarms}") # # # Update the alarm # updated_alarm = new_alarm.copy() # updated_alarm["time"] = "07:30:00" # client.update_alarm(alarm_id, updated_alarm) # print(f"Updated alarm ID {alarm_id}") # # # Delete the alarm # client.delete_alarm(alarm_id) # print(f"Deleted alarm ID {alarm_id}")