import time import re import asyncio import os class irc_router: def __init__(self, fifo_files, irc_socket, server, nickname): self.fifo_files = fifo_files self.irc_socket = irc_socket self.server = server self.nickname = nickname self.channels = [] self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() def start(self): try: asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) tasks = [self.user_listener(), self.irc_message_loop()] self._loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*tasks)) finally: for file in self.fifo_files: try: os.close(file) except: # Errors are okay at this point. pass self._loop.close() ## Main loop for reading irc inflow and routing to correct _out fifos. ## Also handle ping/pong here async def irc_message_loop(self): output_files=[] loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() while True: for output in self.fifo_files: if output.endswith('out'): if output not in output_files: print(f"{time.time()} | {self.server} has output file: {output}") output_files.append(output) try: irc_input = await loop.sock_recv(self.irc_socket, 2048) irc_input = irc_input.decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading from socket: {e}") continue if irc_input: ## ## The main logic hapens here. ## support for channel joins ## and spliting the input to channel specifig channel/[in, out] locations ## if "PING" in irc_input: self.irc_send(f"PONG :{self.server}") self.write_to_out(output_files[0], f"{time.time()} | ping/pong") continue if f":{self.server} 353" in irc_input: ## We have joined a channel! match ='353 \S+ = (#\S+)', irc_input) channel_join = await self.make_files(channel_join) continue if "PRIVMSG" in irc_input: if self.if_input_belongs_to_channel(irc_input): continue self.write_to_out(output_files[0], irc_input) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) def if_input_belongs_to_channel(self, input): # We know that input includes "PRIVMSG" # But to where it shoudl go? message =':.*:(.*)', input).group(1) input_user ='^:(\S+)', input).group(1) input_channel ='PRIVMSG (\S+) :', input) done=False for file in self.fifo_files: if in file: if file.endswith("out"): self.write_to_out(file, f"{input_user}: {message}") done=True return done async def make_files(self, channel): network_path = os.path.dirname(self.fifo_files[1]) channel_dir = os.path.join(network_path, channel) os.makedirs(channel_dir, exist_ok=True) try: os.mkfifo(f"{channel_dir}/in") except FileExistsError: pass try: os.mkfifo(f"{channel_dir}/out") except FileExistsError: pass fifo_files = [] fifo_files.append(f"{channel_dir}/in") fifo_files.append(f"{channel_dir}/out") self.fifo_files.extend(fifo_files) await asyncio.sleep(1) def write_to_out(self, file, input): if file == None: print(f"{time.time()} | Most likely this should not be here: {input}") with open(file, "a") as output_sink: output_sink.write(input + "\r\n") output_sink.flush() output_sink.close() def irc_send(self, message): # Send message to the IRC server self.irc_socket.send(bytes(f"{message}\r\n", "utf-8")) print(f"{time.time()} | Send: {message}") async def async_readline(self, file, queue): print(f"Trying to read from file {file}") try: while True: with open(file, mode='r') as in_file: line = in_file.readline().strip() if not line: print("There was no line!") continue await queue.put(line) in_file.close() await asyncio.sleep(0.5) except Exception as e: print(f"ERROR IN async_readline func: {e}") async def process_user_input(self, queue): print("Processing of user input may start!") while True: line = await queue.get() print(f"{time.time()} | trying to send: {line} to {self.server}") self.irc_send(line) await asyncio.sleep(0.2) async def user_listener(self): print("User Listener is HERE!") in_files = [] queue = asyncio.Queue() try: for file in self.fifo_files: if file.endswith("in"): print(f"We have input fifo {file}") in_files.append(file) tasks = [self.process_user_input(queue)] tasks.extend([self.async_readline(file, queue) for file in in_files]) # Wait for all tasks to complete await asyncio.gather(*tasks) finally: self.irc_send('QUIT')