from fastapi import Request, FastAPI from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from datetime import datetime from .collector import parse_traceroute_output, store_traceroute from .db import ensure_table_setup from pprint import pprint as print # Setup our SQLite before anything else. ensure_table_setup() # Setup web framework thingies app = FastAPI() app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static") @app.get("/") def read_root(): return { "greeting": "Hello, Kalzu!", "instructions": [ "Try piping traceroute data directly to POST /trace/{hostname}.", "{hostname} is for filtering data by sender.", "For example the following command using HTTPie:", "", " $ traceroute | http POST localhost:8000/trace/rekku", "", "", "Also take a look at /docs/ and /static/index.html", "", "", "", "END OF TRANSMISSION", ] + [None]*800 }"/trace/{hostname}") async def create_trace(hostname: str, request: Request): raw_data = await request.body() data = raw_data.decode("utf-8", "ignore") print(f"Received data from {hostname}:") print(data) trace = parse_traceroute_output(data, print("Parsed data:") print(trace) store_traceroute(hostname, trace) return {"status": "ok" }