This commit is contained in:
Mats Rauhala 2018-08-06 00:09:41 +03:00
parent c5d3f8d2e7
commit 881c53493f
2 changed files with 48 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -32,12 +32,15 @@ data JsonBook = JsonBook { contentType :: Text
, channels :: [JsonChannel] }
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON JsonBook
instance FromJSON JsonBook
type API = Auth '[SA.BasicAuth, SA.JWT] SafeUser :> BaseAPI
type BaseAPI = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [JsonBook]
-- :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] JsonBook :> PUT JsonBook
-- :<|> "books" :> Param "book_id" BookID :> ReqBody '[JSON] JsonBook :> PUT JsonBook
handler :: ServerT API AppM
handler user = listBooksHandler user

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@ -40,8 +40,36 @@ instance SqlType Username where
fromSql _ = error "fromSql: Bad username"
defaultValue = mkLit (Username "")
newtype UserID = UserID {unUserID :: Int} deriving (Show)
data User pass = User { identifier :: RowID
newtype BookID = BookID {unBookID :: Int} deriving (Show)
newtype ChannelID = ChannelID {unChannelID :: Int} deriving (Show)
newtype TagID = TagID {unTagID :: Int} deriving (Show)
instance SqlType UserID where
mkLit = LCustom . LInt . unUserID
fromSql (SqlInt x) = UserID x
fromSql _ = error "fromSql: Bad userid"
defaultValue = mkLit (UserID (-1))
instance SqlType BookID where
mkLit = LCustom . LInt . unBookID
fromSql (SqlInt x) = BookID x
fromSql _ = error "fromSql: Bad bookid"
defaultValue = mkLit (BookID (-1))
instance SqlType ChannelID where
mkLit = LCustom . LInt . unChannelID
fromSql (SqlInt x) = ChannelID x
fromSql _ = error "fromSql: Bad channelid"
defaultValue = mkLit (ChannelID (-1))
instance SqlType TagID where
mkLit = LCustom . LInt . unTagID
fromSql (SqlInt x) = TagID x
fromSql _ = error "fromSql: Bad tagid"
defaultValue = mkLit (TagID (-1))
data User pass = User { identifier :: UserID
, email :: Email
, username :: Username
, role :: Role
@ -64,10 +92,11 @@ instance SqlType Role where
users :: GenTable (User HashedPassword)
users = genTable "users" [ (email :: User HashedPassword -> Email) :- uniqueGen
, username :- uniqueGen
, (identifier :: User HashedPassword -> RowID) :- autoPrimaryGen ]
, (identifier :: User HashedPassword -> UserID) :- autoPrimaryGen ]
-- | Book type
newtype HashDigest = HashDigest { unHex :: Text } deriving Show
-- XXX: Add an identifier for the book
data Book = Book { contentHash :: HashDigest
, contentType :: Text
, title :: Maybe Text
@ -83,57 +112,57 @@ instance SqlType HashDigest where
books :: GenTable Book
books = genTable "books" [ contentHash :- primaryGen ]
data UserBook = UserBook { user :: RowID
data UserBook = UserBook { user :: UserID
, book :: HashDigest }
deriving (Generic, Show)
userBooks :: GenTable UserBook
userBooks = genTable "user_book" [ (user :: UserBook -> RowID) :- fkGen (gen users) userId
userBooks = genTable "user_book" [ (user :: UserBook -> UserID) :- fkGen (gen users) userId
, (book :: UserBook -> HashDigest) :- fkGen (gen books) bookHash ]
userId :*: _ = selectors (gen users)
bookHash :*: _ = selectors (gen books)
-- | Categorizing books
data Tag = Tag { identifier :: RowID
data Tag = Tag { identifier :: TagID
, tag :: Text
, owner :: RowID }
, owner :: UserID }
deriving (Show, Generic)
data Channel = Channel { identifier :: RowID
data Channel = Channel { identifier :: ChannelID
, channel :: Text
, owner :: RowID }
, owner :: UserID }
deriving (Show, Generic)
tags :: GenTable Tag
tags = genTable "tags" [ (identifier :: Tag -> RowID) :- autoPrimaryGen
, (owner :: Tag -> RowID) :- fkGen (gen users) i ]
tags = genTable "tags" [ (identifier :: Tag -> TagID) :- autoPrimaryGen
, (owner :: Tag -> UserID) :- fkGen (gen users) i ]
i :*: _ = selectors (gen users)
channels :: GenTable Channel
channels = genTable "channels" [ (identifier :: Channel -> RowID) :- autoPrimaryGen
, (owner :: Channel -> RowID) :- fkGen (gen users) i ]
channels = genTable "channels" [ (identifier :: Channel -> ChannelID) :- autoPrimaryGen
, (owner :: Channel -> UserID) :- fkGen (gen users) i ]
i :*: _ = selectors (gen users)
data BookTag = BookTag { tag :: RowID
data BookTag = BookTag { tag :: TagID
, book :: HashDigest }
deriving (Show, Generic)
data BookChannel = BookChannel { channel :: RowID
data BookChannel = BookChannel { channel :: ChannelID
, book :: HashDigest }
deriving (Show, Generic)
bookTags :: GenTable BookTag
bookTags = genTable "book_tags" [ (tag :: BookTag -> RowID) :- fkGen (gen tags) i
bookTags = genTable "book_tags" [ (tag :: BookTag -> TagID) :- fkGen (gen tags) i
, (book :: BookTag -> HashDigest) :- fkGen (gen books) h ]
i :*: _ = selectors (gen tags)
h :*: _ = selectors (gen books)
bookChannels :: GenTable BookChannel
bookChannels = genTable "book_channels" [ (channel :: BookChannel -> RowID) :- fkGen (gen channels) i
bookChannels = genTable "book_channels" [ (channel :: BookChannel -> ChannelID) :- fkGen (gen channels) i
, (book :: BookChannel -> HashDigest) :- fkGen (gen books) h ]
i :*: _ = selectors (gen channels)