Parameterize on range and algorithm
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,9 +25,14 @@ import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, createFileLink)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, (</>))
data Alg = Average | DHash deriving (Read, Show, Generic)
instance ParseField Alg
data Cmd = Cmd { source :: FilePath
, target :: FilePath
, range :: Maybe Int
, algorithm :: Maybe Alg
} deriving (Show, Generic, ParseRecord)
data Fingerprint =
@ -42,15 +47,22 @@ instance BK.Metric Fingerprint where
in foldr (\shiftA acc -> acc + if 1 `shift` shiftA .&. xored > 0 then 1 else 0) 0 [0..63]
fingerprint :: DynamicImage -> Word64
fingerprint = hash . grey . scale . convertRGB8
fingerprint :: Alg -> DynamicImage -> Word64
fingerprint alg = hash . grey . scale . convertRGB8
scale :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Image PixelRGB8
scale = scaleBilinear 8 8
grey :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Image Pixel8
grey = pixelMap (\(PixelRGB8 r g b) -> ceiling ((fromIntegral r * (0.3 :: Double)) + (fromIntegral g * 0.59) + (fromIntegral b * 0.11)))
hash :: Image Pixel8 -> Word64
hash img = -- the average fingerprint method
hash = case alg of
Average -> averageHash
DHash -> dhash
dhash :: Image Pixel8 -> Word64
dhash img =
foldr (\(shiftA, b) acc -> if b then 1 `shift` shiftA .|. acc else acc) 0 $ zip [0..] [(x < 7) && (pixelAt img x y > pixelAt img (x+1) y) | x <- [0..7], y <- [0..7]]
averageHash :: Image Pixel8 -> Word64
averageHash img = -- the average fingerprint method
let avg = fromIntegral (foldl' (\acc (x,y) -> acc + fromIntegral (pixelAt img x y)) (0 :: Int) [(x,y) | x <- [0..7], y <- [0..7]] `div` 64)
in foldr (\(shiftA, b) acc -> if b then 1 `shift` shiftA .|. acc else acc) 0 $ zip [0..] [pixelAt img x y > avg | x <- [0..7], y <- [0..7]]
@ -58,7 +70,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
Cmd{..} <- getRecord "Image duplicate finder"
-- XXX: This is a really long line, split it up
index <- runSafeT (P.fold (\acc -> either (const acc) (\x -> x `seq` BK.insert x acc)) BK.empty id (find source (glob "*.jpg" <> regular) >-> P.mapM (\path -> liftIO (putStrLn path) >> fmap (path,) <$> liftIO (readImage path)) >-> (fmap (\(path, img) -> Fingerprint path (fingerprint img)))))
index <- runSafeT (P.fold (\acc -> either (const acc) (\x -> x `seq` BK.insert x acc)) BK.empty id (find source (glob "*.jpg" <> regular) >-> P.mapM (\path -> liftIO (putStrLn path) >> fmap (path,) <$> liftIO (readImage path)) >-> (fmap (\(path, img) -> Fingerprint path (fingerprint (fromMaybe Average algorithm) img)))))
forM_ index $ \fp -> do
let similar = (fromMaybe 1 range) fp index
when (length similar > 1) $ do
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