• Joined on 2022-07-06
Simple python webapp to test automatic deployment thing
Updated 2025-02-25 18:03:13 +02:00
test page repo
Updated 2025-02-24 18:44:25 +02:00
This repo will hold all the stuff to make my old Asus Eee pc to be bedside alarm clock.
Updated 2025-02-09 22:31:42 +02:00
Updated 2024-10-23 22:11:31 +03:00
Updated 2024-10-08 00:00:31 +03:00
My calendar thing. Maybe this is more like generic markdown management system? IDK, seems like fun thing tho..
Updated 2024-10-05 21:04:21 +03:00
My attempt of creating python daemon handler.
Updated 2024-08-11 22:09:57 +03:00
Paste a file to multiple pastebins at once.
Updated 2024-07-28 22:14:44 +03:00
Updated 2024-06-02 20:19:26 +03:00
My try and error way to make something like Suckless.org's ii.
Updated 2024-02-11 12:33:31 +02:00
This repository contains my journey to write code with chatgpt, chat.openai.com/chat.
Updated 2023-05-25 22:47:35 +03:00
Things I have created with openscad.
Updated 2023-01-04 18:00:37 +02:00