2022-12-17 22:39:21 +02:00

61 lines
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Executable File

import requests
from hashlib import sha256
import ecdsa
private_key = '03486537091ceb021fb313e5cf3eb04d44ca2f19f72112a1'
# we need to send server:
# the question: domain.tld/get/<id>
# the checksum: ?sum=sha256
# the signed data: header 'auth'
id = 123
url = 'localhost:5000/get/'
url_id = url + str(id)
sum = sha256(url_id.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
reg_url = 'http://' + url_id + '?sum=' + sum
unsigned_data = url_id + '?' + 'sum=' + sum
# Generate SK from the private key
private_key_int = int(private_key, 16)
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(private_key_int, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
# sign the message
signature = sk.sign(unsigned_data.encode('utf-8'))
signature_hex = signature.hex()
print('we signed: ', unsigned_data)
print('We will send:')
print('to: ', reg_url)
print('sum: ', sum)
print('auth: ', signature_hex)
response = requests.get(reg_url, headers={"auth":signature_hex})
print('>>> ', response.status_code)
print('>>> ', response.content)
#ecdsa_public_key = '8716c78c09a4e4571a3112eca1c7ddce41289e20da446894b621f2a11ba91bc963f2e9fb9ddd5552c26faf814bc582b4'
ecdsa_public_key = '068716c78c09a4e4571a3112eca1c7ddce41289e20da446894b621f2a11ba91bc963f2e9fb9ddd5552c26faf814bc582b4'
bytes_public_key = bytes.fromhex(ecdsa_public_key)
bytes_signed_data = signature_hex.encode('utf-8')
vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes_public_key, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)
if vk.verify(signature_hex, unsigned_data):
response = "YES"
response = "NO"