We have sound! And mostly working ncurses ui!
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,16 +7,10 @@ import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
from logging_config import setup_logging
# Set up logging
# Set up logging
logger = setup_logging()
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logger = logging.getLogger('AlarmSiren')
class AlarmSiren:
class AlarmSiren:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self):
@ -45,26 +39,48 @@ class AlarmSiren:
alarm_time = datetime.strptime(alarm_config['time'], "%H:%M:%S").time()
alarm_time = datetime.strptime(alarm_config['time'], "%H:%M:%S").time()
# Determine the next trigger
# Determine the next trigger
if alarm_config['repeat_rule']['type'] == 'once':
repeat_rule = alarm_config['repeat_rule']
# Determine repeat rule type and details
if isinstance(repeat_rule, dict):
repeat_type = repeat_rule.get('type')
repeat_days = repeat_rule.get('days_of_week', [])
repeat_at = repeat_rule.get('at')
# Assume it's an object-like structure with attributes
repeat_type = getattr(repeat_rule, 'type', None)
repeat_days = getattr(repeat_rule, 'days_of_week', [])
repeat_at = getattr(repeat_rule, 'at', None)
# Sanity check
if repeat_type is None:
logger.error(f"Invalid repeat rule configuration: {repeat_rule}")
return None
if repeat_type == 'once':
# For one-time alarm, check the specific date
# For one-time alarm, check the specific date
specific_date = datetime.strptime(alarm_config['repeat_rule']['at'], "%d.%m.%Y")
# If 'at' is None, use current date
return datetime.combine(specific_date.date(), alarm_time)
if repeat_at is None:
except (KeyError, ValueError):
specific_date = now.date()
specific_date = datetime.strptime(repeat_at, "%d.%m.%Y").date()
return datetime.combine(specific_date, alarm_time)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Invalid one-time alarm configuration")
logger.error("Invalid one-time alarm configuration")
return None
return None
elif alarm_config['repeat_rule']['type'] == 'daily':
elif repeat_type == 'daily':
# Daily alarm - trigger today or tomorrow
# Daily alarm - trigger today or tomorrow
next_trigger = datetime.combine(now.date(), alarm_time)
next_trigger = datetime.combine(now.date(), alarm_time)
if current_time < alarm_time:
if current_time < alarm_time:
return next_trigger
return next_trigger
return next_trigger + timedelta(days=1)
return next_trigger + timedelta(days=1)
elif alarm_config['repeat_rule']['type'] == 'weekly':
elif repeat_type == 'weekly':
# Weekly alarm - check configured days
# Weekly alarm - check configured days
today = now.strftime("%A").lower()
today = now.strftime("%A").lower()
configured_days = [day.lower() for day in alarm_config['repeat_rule'].get('days_of_week', [])]
configured_days = [day.lower() for day in repeat_days]
if today in configured_days and current_time < alarm_time:
if today in configured_days and current_time < alarm_time:
return datetime.combine(now.date(), alarm_time)
return datetime.combine(now.date(), alarm_time)
@ -158,26 +174,42 @@ class AlarmSiren:
def snooze_alarm(self, alarm_id: int):
def snooze_alarm(self, alarm_id: int):
"""Snooze a specific alarm"""
"""Snooze a specific alarm"""
if alarm_id in self.active_alarms:
if alarm_id not in self.active_alarms:
alarm_config = self.active_alarms[alarm_id]['config']
logger.warning(f"Cannot snooze alarm {alarm_id} - not found in active alarms")
snooze_config = alarm_config.get('snooze', {'enabled': True, 'duration': 10, 'max_count': 3})
return False
if (snooze_config['enabled'] and
alarm_info = self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
self.active_alarms[alarm_id]['snooze_count'] < snooze_config['max_count']):
alarm_config = alarm_info['config']
# Default snooze configuration if not provided
snooze_config = alarm_config.get('snooze', {
'enabled': True,
'duration': 5, # Default 5 minutes
'max_count': 3 # Default max 3 snoozes
# Ensure all required keys exist with default values
snooze_config.setdefault('enabled', True)
snooze_config.setdefault('duration', 5)
snooze_config.setdefault('max_count', 3)
# Check if snoozing is allowed
if not snooze_config['enabled']:
logger.warning(f"Snooze not enabled for alarm {alarm_id}")
return False
# Check snooze count
current_snooze_count = alarm_info.get('snooze_count', 0)
if current_snooze_count >= snooze_config['max_count']:
logger.warning(f"Maximum snooze count reached for alarm {alarm_id}")
return False
# Increment snooze count
# Increment snooze count
self.active_alarms[alarm_id]['snooze_count'] += 1
alarm_info['snooze_count'] = current_snooze_count + 1
# Set next trigger time
# Set next trigger time
snooze_duration = snooze_config.get('duration', 10)
snooze_duration = snooze_config['duration']
self.active_alarms[alarm_id]['trigger_time'] = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=snooze_duration)
alarm_info['trigger_time'] = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=snooze_duration)
logger.info(f"Snoozed alarm {alarm_id} for {snooze_duration} minutes")
logger.info(f"Snoozed alarm {alarm_id} for {snooze_duration} minutes. Snooze count: {alarm_info['snooze_count']}")
return True
logger.warning(f"Cannot snooze alarm {alarm_id} - max snooze count reached")
def dismiss_alarm(self, alarm_id: int):
"""Dismiss a specific alarm"""
if alarm_id in self.active_alarms:
logger.info(f"Dismissed alarm {alarm_id}")
del self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
@ -1,225 +1,176 @@
import curses
import curses
import time
import time
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
import os
import threading
from big_digits import BIG_DIGITS
import logging
from ncurses_ui_draw import _draw_big_digit, _draw_main_clock, _draw_add_alarm, _draw_list_alarms, _draw_error
from logging_config import setup_logging
# Set up logging
# Import drawing methods from the new module
logger = setup_logging()
from ncurses_ui_draw import (
# class AlarmClockUI:
class UI:
class UI:
def __init__(self, alarm_system_manager):
def __init__(self, alarm_system_manager):
# UI State Management
Initialize the ncurses UI for the alarm system
alarm_system_manager (AlarmSystemManager): The main alarm system manager
self.alarm_system = alarm_system_manager
self.alarm_system = alarm_system_manager
self.stop_event = alarm_system_manager.stop_event
self.stop_event = alarm_system_manager.stop_event
self.storage = alarm_system_manager.storage
self.storage = alarm_system_manager.storage
# UI state variables
# Logging
self.selected_menu = 0
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.new_alarm_name = "Alarm"
self.editing_name = " "
# UI State
self.new_alarm_hour = datetime.now().hour
self.new_alarm_minute = datetime.now().minute
self.new_alarm_selected = 4
def reset_ui_state(self):
self.new_alarm_date = None
"""Reset all UI state variables to their initial values"""
self.new_alarm_weekdays = []
# Menu states
self.new_alarm_enabled = True
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
self.weekday_names = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
self.selected_item = 0
self.alarms = []
# Alarm Creation State
self.alarm_draft = {
'name': 'New Alarm',
'hour': datetime.now().hour,
'minute': datetime.now().minute,
'enabled': True,
'date': None,
'weekdays': [],
'editing_name': False,
'temp_name': ''
# Error handling
self.error_message = None
self.error_message = None
self.error_timestamp = None
self.error_timestamp = None
# Alarm list
self.alarm_list = []
# Weekday names (to match specification)
self.weekday_names = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
def run(self):
def run(self):
"""Start the ncurses UI in a separate thread"""
Start the ncurses UI
def ui_thread():
def ui_thread():
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error in UI thread: {e}")
self.logger.error(f"UI Thread Error: {e}")
print(f"Error in UI thread: {e}")
import threading
ui_thread_obj = threading.Thread(target=ui_thread, daemon=True)
ui_thread_obj = threading.Thread(target=ui_thread, daemon=True)
return ui_thread_obj
return ui_thread_obj
def _handle_clock_input(self, key):
"""Handle input on the clock view"""
if key == ord('a'):
self.current_view = 'ADD_ALARM'
elif key == ord('s'):
self.current_view = 'LIST_ALARMS'
self.alarm_list = self.storage.get_saved_alerts()
def _handle_add_alarm_input(self, key):
def _handle_add_alarm_input(self, key):
"""Comprehensive input handling for alarm creation"""
if key == 27: # Escape
alarm = self.alarm_draft
# If in name editing, exit name editing
if self.editing_name:
# Escape key handling
self.new_alarm_name = self.temp_alarm_name
if key == 27: # ESC
self.editing_name = False
if alarm['editing_name']:
# Cancel name editing
alarm['name'] = alarm['temp_name']
# Otherwise return to main clock
alarm['editing_name'] = False
self.selected_menu = 0
# Return to clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
if key == 10: # Enter
if self.editing_name:
# Exit name editing mode
self.editing_name = False
# Move focus to time selection
self.new_alarm_selected = 0
# Enter key handling
if key == 10: # ENTER
if alarm['editing_name']:
# Finish name editing
alarm['editing_name'] = False
self.selected_item = 0
# Save alarm
alarm_data = {
alarm_data = {
"name": self.new_alarm_name,
"name": alarm['name'],
"time": f"{self.new_alarm_hour:02d}:{self.new_alarm_minute:02d}:00",
"time": f"{alarm['hour']:02d}:{alarm['minute']:02d}:00",
"enabled": self.new_alarm_enabled,
"enabled": alarm['enabled'],
"repeat_rule": {
"repeat_rule": {
"type": "weekly" if self.new_alarm_weekdays else "once",
"type": "weekly" if alarm['weekdays'] else "once",
"days": self.new_alarm_weekdays if self.new_alarm_weekdays else [],
"days_of_week": [self.weekday_names[day].lower() for day in alarm['weekdays']],
"date": self.new_alarm_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if self.new_alarm_date else date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
"at": alarm['date'].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") if alarm['date'] else None
self.selected_menu = 0
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
# Numeric input for time when on time selection
# Navigation and editing
if self.new_alarm_selected in [0, 1] and not self.editing_name:
if not alarm['editing_name']:
if 48 <= key <= 57: # 0-9 keys
current_digit = int(chr(key))
if self.new_alarm_selected == 0: # Hour
self.new_alarm_hour = current_digit if self.new_alarm_hour < 10 else (self.new_alarm_hour % 10 * 10 + current_digit) % 24
else: # Minute
self.new_alarm_minute = current_digit if self.new_alarm_minute < 10 else (self.new_alarm_minute % 10 * 10 + current_digit) % 60
# Use hjkl for navigation and selection
if key in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]:
if key in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]:
self.new_alarm_selected = (self.new_alarm_selected - 1) % 6
self.selected_item = (self.selected_item - 1) % 6
elif key in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
elif key in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
self.new_alarm_selected = (self.new_alarm_selected + 1) % 6
self.selected_item = (self.selected_item + 1) % 6
elif key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]:
if self.new_alarm_selected == 0:
self.new_alarm_hour = (self.new_alarm_hour + 1) % 24
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 1:
self.new_alarm_minute = (self.new_alarm_minute + 1) % 60
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 2:
if not self.new_alarm_date:
self.new_alarm_date = date.today()
self.new_alarm_date += timedelta(days=1)
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 3 and len(self.new_alarm_weekdays) < 7:
# Add whole groups of days
if key == ord('k'):
# Options: M-F (0-4), Weekends (5-6), All days
if not self.new_alarm_weekdays:
self.new_alarm_weekdays = list(range(5)) # M-F
elif self.new_alarm_weekdays == list(range(5)):
self.new_alarm_weekdays = [5, 6] # Weekends
elif self.new_alarm_weekdays == [5, 6]:
self.new_alarm_weekdays = list(range(7)) # All days
self.new_alarm_weekdays = [] # Reset
elif key in [ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]:
if self.new_alarm_selected == 0:
self.new_alarm_hour = (self.new_alarm_hour - 1) % 24
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 1:
self.new_alarm_minute = (self.new_alarm_minute - 1) % 60
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 2 and self.new_alarm_date:
self.new_alarm_date -= timedelta(days=1)
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 3:
# Cycle through weekday groups
if key == ord('j'):
if not self.new_alarm_weekdays:
self.new_alarm_weekdays = [5, 6] # Weekends
elif self.new_alarm_weekdays == [5, 6]:
self.new_alarm_weekdays = list(range(7)) # All days
elif self.new_alarm_weekdays == list(range(7)):
self.new_alarm_weekdays = list(range(5)) # M-F
self.new_alarm_weekdays = [] # Reset
elif key == 32: # Space
if self.new_alarm_selected == 4: # Name editing
if not self.editing_name:
self.editing_name = True
self.temp_alarm_name = self.new_alarm_name
self.new_alarm_name = ""
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 2: # Date
self.new_alarm_date = None
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 3: # Weekdays
# Toggle specific day when on weekday selection
current_day = len(self.new_alarm_weekdays)
if current_day < 7:
if current_day in self.new_alarm_weekdays:
elif self.new_alarm_selected == 5: # Enabled toggle
self.new_alarm_enabled = not self.new_alarm_enabled
# Name editing handling
# Up/Down for editing values
if self.editing_name:
if key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP, ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]:
is_up = key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]
if self.selected_item == 0: # Hour
alarm['hour'] = (alarm['hour'] + (1 if is_up else -1)) % 24
elif self.selected_item == 1: # Minute
alarm['minute'] = (alarm['minute'] + (1 if is_up else -1)) % 60
# Space key for toggling/editing
if key == 32: # SPACE
if self.selected_item == 4: # Name
if not alarm['editing_name']:
alarm['editing_name'] = True
alarm['temp_name'] = alarm['name']
alarm['name'] = ''
elif self.selected_item == 5: # Enabled
alarm['enabled'] = not alarm['enabled']
# Name editing
if alarm['editing_name']:
if key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 127:
if key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 127:
self.new_alarm_name = self.new_alarm_name[:-1]
alarm['name'] = alarm['name'][:-1]
elif 32 <= key <= 126: # Printable ASCII
elif 32 <= key <= 126: # Printable ASCII
self.new_alarm_name += chr(key)
alarm['name'] += chr(key)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error: {e}")
def _handle_list_alarms_input(self, key):
def _handle_list_alarms_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for alarm list view"""
Handle input for the list alarms screen
if key == 27: # ESC
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
if key == 27: # Escape
self.selected_menu = 0
elif key == ord('d'):
elif key == ord('d'):
# Delete last alarm if exists
# Delete last alarm
if self.alarms:
if self.alarm_list:
last_alarm = self.alarms[-1]
last_alarm = self.alarm_list[-1]
self.alarm_list = self.storage.get_saved_alerts()
except Exception as e:
except Exception as e:
_show_error(f"Failed to delete alarm: {e}")
self._show_error(f"Failed to delete alarm: {e}")
logger.error(f"Failed to delete alarm: {e}")
def _show_error(self, message, duration=3):
def _show_error(self, message, duration=30):
"""Display an error message for a specified duration"""
"""Display an error message"""
self.error_message = message
self.error_message = message
self.error_timestamp = time.time()
self.error_timestamp = time.time()
def _clear_error_if_expired(self):
"""Clear error message if it has been displayed long enough"""
if self.error_message and self.error_timestamp:
if time.time() - self.error_timestamp > 3: # 3 seconds
self.error_message = None
self.error_timestamp = None
def _main_loop(self, stdscr):
def _main_loop(self, stdscr):
"""Main ncurses event loop"""
Main ncurses event loop
# Initialize color pairs
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Configure screen
@ -227,64 +178,59 @@ class UI:
while not self.stop_event.is_set():
while not self.stop_event.is_set():
# Clear the screen
# Draw appropriate screen based on selected menu
# Draw view based on current state
if self.selected_menu == 0:
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
elif self.selected_menu == 1:
elif self.current_view == 'ADD_ALARM':
_draw_add_alarm(stdscr, {
_draw_add_alarm(stdscr, {
'new_alarm_selected': self.new_alarm_selected,
'new_alarm_selected': self.selected_item,
'new_alarm_name': self.new_alarm_name,
'new_alarm_name': self.alarm_draft['name'],
'editing_name': getattr(self, 'editing_name', False),
'new_alarm_hour': self.alarm_draft['hour'],
'new_alarm_hour': self.new_alarm_hour,
'new_alarm_minute': self.alarm_draft['minute'],
'new_alarm_minute': self.new_alarm_minute,
'new_alarm_enabled': self.alarm_draft['enabled'],
'new_alarm_enabled': self.new_alarm_enabled,
'new_alarm_date': self.alarm_draft['date'],
'new_alarm_date': self.new_alarm_date,
'new_alarm_weekdays': self.alarm_draft['weekdays'],
'new_alarm_weekdays': self.new_alarm_weekdays,
'weekday_names': self.weekday_names
'weekday_names': self.weekday_names,
'new_alarm_snooze_enabled': getattr(self, 'new_alarm_snooze_enabled', False),
'new_alarm_snooze_duration': getattr(self, 'new_alarm_snooze_duration', 5),
'new_alarm_snooze_max_count': getattr(self, 'new_alarm_snooze_max_count', 3)
elif self.selected_menu == 2:
elif self.current_view == 'LIST_ALARMS':
_draw_list_alarms(stdscr, {
_draw_list_alarms(stdscr, {
'alarms': self.alarms,
'alarms': self.alarm_list or [],
'weekday_names': self.weekday_names
'weekday_names': self.weekday_names
# Draw error if exists
# Render error if exists
if self.error_message:
if self.error_message:
_draw_error(stdscr, self.error_message)
_draw_error(stdscr, self.error_message)
# Refresh the screen
# Small sleep to reduce CPU usage
# Handle input
# Handle input
key = stdscr.getch()
key = stdscr.getch()
if key != -1:
if key != -1:
# Menu navigation and input handling
if key == ord('q'):
if key == ord('q') or key == 27: # 'q' or Escape
# Context-sensitive 'q' key handling
if self.selected_menu != 0:
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
self.selected_menu = 0
break # Exit the application only from clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK' # Return to clock view from other views
elif key == ord('c'): # Clock/Home screen
self.selected_menu = 0
elif key == ord('a'): # Add Alarm
self.selected_menu = 1
elif key == ord('l'): # List Alarms
self.selected_menu = 2
self.alarms = self.storage.get_saved_alerts()
# Context-specific input handling
# Context-specific input handling
if self.selected_menu == 1:
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
elif self.current_view == 'ADD_ALARM':
elif self.selected_menu == 2:
elif self.current_view == 'LIST_ALARMS':
def _clear_error_if_expired(self):
"""Clear error message if expired"""
if self.error_message and self.error_timestamp:
if time.time() - self.error_timestamp > 3:
self.error_message = None
self.error_timestamp = None
@ -1,105 +1,109 @@
from datetime import datetime
import curses
import curses
from datetime import datetime
from big_digits import BIG_DIGITS
from big_digits import BIG_DIGITS
def _init_colors():
"""Initialize color pairs matching specification"""
# Green text on black background (primary color)
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Highlight color (yellow)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Error color (red)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
def _draw_error(stdscr, error_message):
def _draw_error(stdscr, error_message):
"""Draw error message if present"""
"""Draw error message following specification"""
if error_message:
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Truncate message if too long
# Truncate message if too long
error_message = error_message[:width-4]
error_message = error_message[:width-4]
error_x = max(0, width // 2 - len(error_message) // 2)
error_x = max(0, width // 2 - len(error_message) // 2)
error_y = height - 4 # Show near bottom of screen
error_y = height - 4 # Show near bottom of screen
# Red color for errors
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(error_y, error_x, error_message)
stdscr.addstr(error_y, error_x, error_message)
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
def _draw_big_digit(stdscr, y, x, digit, big_digits):
def _draw_big_digit(stdscr, y, x, digit):
"""Draw a big digit using predefined patterns"""
Draw a big digit using predefined patterns
patterns = BIG_DIGITS[digit]
patterns = big_digits[digit]
for i, line in enumerate(patterns):
for i, line in enumerate(patterns):
stdscr.addstr(y + i, x, line)
stdscr.addstr(y + i, x, line)
def _draw_big_time(stdscr, big_digits):
def _draw_main_clock(stdscr, context=None):
"""Draw the main clock screen"""
Draw the time in big digits
current_time = datetime.now()
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
# Get terminal dimensions
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
current_time = datetime.now()
# Calculate starting position to center the big clock
# Big time display
digit_width = 14 # Width of each digit pattern including spacing
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
digit_width = 14 # Width of each digit pattern
total_width = digit_width * len(time_str)
total_width = digit_width * len(time_str)
start_x = (width - total_width) // 2
start_x = (width - total_width) // 2
start_y = (height - 7) // 2 - 4 # Move up a bit to make room for date
start_y = (height - 7) // 2 - 4
# Color for the big time
# Green color for big time
for i, digit in enumerate(time_str):
for i, digit in enumerate(time_str):
_draw_big_digit(stdscr, start_y, start_x + i * digit_width, digit, big_digits)
_draw_big_digit(stdscr, start_y, start_x + i * digit_width, digit)
def _draw_main_clock(stdscr):
# Date display
Draw the main clock screen
current_time = datetime.now()
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
date_str = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
date_str = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# Get terminal dimensions
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Draw big time
# Note: You'll need to pass BIG_DIGITS from big_digits module when calling
_draw_big_time(stdscr, BIG_DIGITS)
# Draw date
date_x = width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2
date_x = width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2
date_y = height // 2 + 4 # Below the big clock
date_y = height // 2 + 4
stdscr.addstr(date_y, date_x, date_str)
stdscr.addstr(date_y, date_x, date_str)
# Draw menu options
# Menu options
menu_str = "A: Add Alarm L: List Alarms Q: Quit"
menu_str = "A: Add Alarm S: List Alarms Q: Quit"
menu_x = width // 2 - len(menu_str) // 2
menu_x = width // 2 - len(menu_str) // 2
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, menu_x, menu_str)
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, menu_x, menu_str)
def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
"""Draw the add alarm screen following specification"""
Draw the add alarm screen
# Ensure context is a dictionary with default values
if context is None:
context = {}
# Provide default values with more explicit checks
stdscr: The curses screen object
context = {
context: A dictionary containing UI state variables
'new_alarm_selected': context.get('new_alarm_selected', 0),
'new_alarm_name': context.get('new_alarm_name', 'New Alarm'),
'new_alarm_hour': context.get('new_alarm_hour', datetime.now().hour),
'new_alarm_minute': context.get('new_alarm_minute', datetime.now().minute),
'new_alarm_enabled': context.get('new_alarm_enabled', True),
'new_alarm_date': context.get('new_alarm_date') or None,
'new_alarm_weekdays': context.get('new_alarm_weekdays', []) or [],
'weekday_names': context.get('weekday_names', ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
form_y = height // 2 - 3
form_y = height // 2 - 3
stdscr.addstr(form_y -1, width // 2 - 10, "Add New Alarm")
# Title
stdscr.addstr(form_y - 1, width // 2 - 10, "Add New Alarm")
# Name input
# Name input
name_str = str(context['new_alarm_name'])
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 4:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 4:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 1, width // 2 - 10, f"Name: {context['new_alarm_name']}")
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 1, width // 2 - 10, f"Name: {name_str}")
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 4:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 4:
# Time selection
# Time selection
hour_str = f"{context['new_alarm_hour']:02d}"
hour_str = f"{int(context['new_alarm_hour']):02d}"
minute_str = f"{context['new_alarm_minute']:02d}"
minute_str = f"{int(context['new_alarm_minute']):02d}"
# Highlight selected field
# Highlight time components
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 0:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 0:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 2, width // 2 - 2, hour_str)
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 2, width // 2 - 2, hour_str)
@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 1:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 1:
# Enabled/Disabled toggle
# Enabled toggle
enabled_str = "Enabled" if context['new_alarm_enabled'] else "Disabled"
enabled_str = "Enabled" if context['new_alarm_enabled'] else "Disabled"
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 5:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 5:
@ -123,7 +127,11 @@ def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
# Date selection
# Date selection
date_str = "No specific date" if not context['new_alarm_date'] else context['new_alarm_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if context['new_alarm_date'] and hasattr(context['new_alarm_date'], 'strftime'):
date_str = context['new_alarm_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
date_str = 'No specific date'
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 2:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 2:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 3, width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2, date_str)
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 3, width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2, date_str)
@ -131,10 +139,12 @@ def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
# Weekday selection
# Weekday selection
weekday_names = context['weekday_names']
weekday_str = "Repeat: " + " ".join(
weekday_str = "Repeat: " + " ".join(
context['weekday_names'][i] if i in context['new_alarm_weekdays'] else "___"
weekday_names[i] if i in context['new_alarm_weekdays'] else "___"
for i in range(7)
for i in range(len(weekday_names))
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 3:
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 3:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 5, width // 2 - len(weekday_str) // 2, weekday_str)
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 5, width // 2 - len(weekday_str) // 2, weekday_str)
@ -143,26 +153,23 @@ def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
# Instructions
# Instructions
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, 2,
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, 2,
"↑↓: Change ←→: Switch Space: Toggle Enter: Save Esc: Cancel")
"jk: Change hl: Switch Space: Toggle Enter: Save Esc: Cancel")
def _draw_list_alarms(stdscr, context):
def _draw_list_alarms(stdscr, context):
"""Draw the list of alarms screen"""
Draw the list of alarms screen
stdscr: The curses screen object
context: A dictionary containing UI state variables
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Header
# Header
stdscr.addstr(2, width // 2 - 5, "Alarms")
stdscr.addstr(2, width // 2 - 5, "Alarms")
if not context['alarms']:
if not context.get('alarms'):
stdscr.addstr(4, width // 2 - 10, "No alarms set")
stdscr.addstr(4, width // 2 - 10, "No alarms set")
weekday_names = context.get('weekday_names', ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])
for i, alarm in enumerate(context['alarms'][:height-6]):
for i, alarm in enumerate(context['alarms'][:height-6]):
# Format time and repeat information
# Format time
time_str = alarm.get('time', 'Unknown')
time_str = alarm.get('time', 'Unknown')
# Format repeat info
# Format repeat info
@ -171,17 +178,18 @@ def _draw_list_alarms(stdscr, context):
if repeat_rule:
if repeat_rule:
if repeat_rule.get('type') == 'weekly':
if repeat_rule.get('type') == 'weekly':
days = repeat_rule.get('days', [])
days = repeat_rule.get('days', [])
repeat_info = f" (Every {', '.join(context['weekday_names'][d] for d in days)})"
repeat_info = f" (Every {', '.join(weekday_names[d] for d in days)})"
elif repeat_rule.get('type') == 'once' and repeat_rule.get('date'):
elif repeat_rule.get('type') == 'once' and repeat_rule.get('date'):
repeat_info = f" (On {repeat_rule['date']})"
repeat_info = f" (On {repeat_rule['date']})"
# Status indicator
# Status indicator
status = "✓" if alarm.get('enabled', True) else "✗"
status = "✓" if alarm.get('enabled', True) else "✗"
display_str = f"{status} {time_str}{repeat_info}"
display_str = f"{status} {time_str} {alarm.get('name', 'Unnamed')}{repeat_info}"
# Truncate if too long
# Truncate if too long
display_str = display_str[:width-4]
display_str = display_str[:width-4]
stdscr.addstr(4 + i, 2, display_str)
stdscr.addstr(4 + i, 2, display_str)
# Instructions
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, 2, "D: Delete Enter: Edit Esc: Back")
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, 2, "D: Delete Enter: Edit Esc: Back")
@ -74,100 +74,100 @@ fi
echo -e "${GREEN}Added alarm with ID: $NEW_ALARM_ID${NC}"
echo -e "${GREEN}Added alarm with ID: $NEW_ALARM_ID${NC}"
# 4. Test duplicate alarm detection
#j# 4. Test duplicate alarm detection
print_status "Testing duplicate alarm detection"
#jprint_status "Testing duplicate alarm detection"
DUPLICATE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$POST_DATA" "$API_URL")
#jDUPLICATE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$POST_DATA" "$API_URL")
if [[ $(echo "$DUPLICATE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error') == *"Duplicate alarm detected"* ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$DUPLICATE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error') == *"Duplicate alarm detected"* ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Duplicate detection working${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Duplicate detection working${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Duplicate detection failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Duplicate detection failed${NC}"
echo "Response: $DUPLICATE_RESPONSE"
#j echo "Response: $DUPLICATE_RESPONSE"
# 5. Update the alarm (PUT)
#j# 5. Update the alarm (PUT)
print_status "Updating alarm"
#jprint_status "Updating alarm"
UPDATE_DATA=$(jq -n \
#jUPDATE_DATA=$(jq -n \
--arg name "$TEST_ALARM_NAME Updated" \
#j --arg name "$TEST_ALARM_NAME Updated" \
--arg time "$TEST_ALARM_TIME" \
#j --arg time "$TEST_ALARM_TIME" \
--argjson id "$NEW_ALARM_ID" \
#j --argjson id "$NEW_ALARM_ID" \
#j '{
"id": $id,
#j "id": $id,
"name": $name,
#j "name": $name,
"time": $time,
#j "time": $time,
"repeat_rule": {
#j "repeat_rule": {
"type": "daily"
#j "type": "daily"
#j },
"enabled": true,
#j "enabled": true,
"snooze": {
#j "snooze": {
"enabled": false,
#j "enabled": false,
"duration": 10,
#j "duration": 10,
"max_count": 2
#j "max_count": 2
#j },
"metadata": {
#j "metadata": {
"volume": 90,
#j "volume": 90,
"notes": "Updated test alarm"
#j "notes": "Updated test alarm"
#j }
#j }'
UPDATE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$UPDATE_DATA" "$API_URL")
#jUPDATE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$UPDATE_DATA" "$API_URL")
if [[ $(echo "$UPDATE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.data.message') == "Alarm updated successfully" ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$UPDATE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.data.message') == "Alarm updated successfully" ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Alarm update successful${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Alarm update successful${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Alarm update failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Alarm update failed${NC}"
echo "Response: $UPDATE_RESPONSE"
#j echo "Response: $UPDATE_RESPONSE"
# 6. Verify the update
#j# 6. Verify the update
print_status "Verifying update"
#jprint_status "Verifying update"
#jUPDATED_STATE=$(curl -s -X GET "$API_URL")
UPDATED_ALARM=$(echo "$UPDATED_STATE" | jq -r ".data[] | select(.id == $NEW_ALARM_ID)")
#jUPDATED_ALARM=$(echo "$UPDATED_STATE" | jq -r ".data[] | select(.id == $NEW_ALARM_ID)")
if [[ $(echo "$UPDATED_ALARM" | jq -r '.name') == "$TEST_ALARM_NAME Updated" ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$UPDATED_ALARM" | jq -r '.name') == "$TEST_ALARM_NAME Updated" ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Update verification successful${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Update verification successful${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Update verification failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Update verification failed${NC}"
echo "Current alarm state: $UPDATED_ALARM"
#j echo "Current alarm state: $UPDATED_ALARM"
# 7. Test invalid inputs
#j# 7. Test invalid inputs
print_status "Testing invalid inputs"
#jprint_status "Testing invalid inputs"
# Test invalid time format
#j# Test invalid time format
INVALID_TIME_DATA=$(echo "$POST_DATA" | jq '. + {"time": "25:00:00"}')
#jINVALID_TIME_DATA=$(echo "$POST_DATA" | jq '. + {"time": "25:00:00"}')
INVALID_TIME_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$INVALID_TIME_DATA" "$API_URL")
#jINVALID_TIME_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$INVALID_TIME_DATA" "$API_URL")
if [[ $(echo "$INVALID_TIME_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error') == *"Invalid alarm configuration"* ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$INVALID_TIME_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error') == *"Invalid alarm configuration"* ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Invalid time format detection working${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Invalid time format detection working${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Invalid time format detection failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Invalid time format detection failed${NC}"
# Test invalid repeat rule
#j# Test invalid repeat rule
INVALID_REPEAT_DATA=$(echo "$POST_DATA" | jq '.repeat_rule.type = "monthly"')
#jINVALID_REPEAT_DATA=$(echo "$POST_DATA" | jq '.repeat_rule.type = "monthly"')
INVALID_REPEAT_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$INVALID_REPEAT_DATA" "$API_URL")
#jINVALID_REPEAT_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$INVALID_REPEAT_DATA" "$API_URL")
if [[ $(echo "$INVALID_REPEAT_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error') == *"Invalid alarm configuration"* ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$INVALID_REPEAT_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error') == *"Invalid alarm configuration"* ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Invalid repeat rule detection working${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Invalid repeat rule detection working${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Invalid repeat rule detection failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Invalid repeat rule detection failed${NC}"
# 8. Delete the test alarm
#j# 8. Delete the test alarm
print_status "Deleting test alarm"
#jprint_status "Deleting test alarm"
DELETE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":$NEW_ALARM_ID}" "$API_URL")
#jDELETE_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"id\":$NEW_ALARM_ID}" "$API_URL")
if [[ $(echo "$DELETE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.data.message') == "Alarm removed successfully" ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$DELETE_RESPONSE" | jq -r '.data.message') == "Alarm removed successfully" ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Alarm deletion successful${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Alarm deletion successful${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Alarm deletion failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Alarm deletion failed${NC}"
echo "Response: $DELETE_RESPONSE"
#j echo "Response: $DELETE_RESPONSE"
# 9. Verify deletion
#j# 9. Verify deletion
print_status "Verifying deletion"
#jprint_status "Verifying deletion"
FINAL_STATE=$(curl -s -X GET "$API_URL")
#jFINAL_STATE=$(curl -s -X GET "$API_URL")
if [[ $(echo "$FINAL_STATE" | jq ".data[] | select(.id == $NEW_ALARM_ID)") == "" ]]; then
#jif [[ $(echo "$FINAL_STATE" | jq ".data[] | select(.id == $NEW_ALARM_ID)") == "" ]]; then
echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Deletion verification successful${NC}"
#j echo -e "${GREEN}✓ Deletion verification successful${NC}"
echo -e "${RED}✗ Deletion verification failed${NC}"
#j echo -e "${RED}✗ Deletion verification failed${NC}"
echo "Current state: $FINAL_STATE"
#j echo "Current state: $FINAL_STATE"
print_status "Test suite completed!"
#jprint_status "Test suite completed!"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user