Restructure of ui package is now in working state. And we now support editing old alarms.

This commit is contained in:
Kalzu Rekku 2025-02-09 22:31:24 +02:00
parent 7eafbf5ebd
commit f59048c2d0
8 changed files with 796 additions and 543 deletions

View File

@ -2,18 +2,53 @@ import curses
from datetime import datetime
from .utils import init_colors, draw_big_digit
def draw_active_alarms(stdscr, context):
"""Draw the active alarms"""
class ActiveAlarmView:
def __init__(self, storage, control_queue): = storage
self.control_queue = control_queue
self.active_alarms = {}
def reset_state(self):
"""Reset the view state"""
def draw(self, stdscr):
"""Draw the active alarm screen"""
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
current_time =
# Draw the main clock (original position)
self._draw_main_clock(stdscr, height, width, current_time)
self._draw_active_alarm_info(stdscr, height, width)
self._draw_instructions(stdscr, height, width)
def handle_input(self, key):
"""Handle user input and return the next view name or None to stay"""
if not self.active_alarms:
return 'CLOCK'
alarm_id = list(self.active_alarms.keys())[0]
if key == ord('s'):
return None
elif key == ord('d'):
return 'CLOCK'
return None
def update_active_alarms(self, active_alarms):
"""Update the active alarms state"""
self.active_alarms = active_alarms
def _draw_main_clock(self, stdscr, height, width, current_time):
"""Draw the main clock display"""
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
digit_width = 14
total_width = digit_width * len(time_str)
start_x = (width - total_width) // 2
start_y = (height - 7) // 2 - 4 # Original position from _draw_main_clock
start_y = (height - 7) // 2 - 4
# Draw blinking dot
if int(current_time.timestamp()) % 2 == 0:
@ -21,13 +56,13 @@ def draw_active_alarms(stdscr, context):
stdscr.addstr(start_y - 1, start_x + total_width - 2, "")
# Green color for big time
# Draw big time digits
for i, digit in enumerate(time_str):
draw_big_digit(stdscr, start_y, start_x + i * digit_width, digit)
# Draw date (as in main clock)
# Draw date
date_str = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
date_x = width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2
date_y = height // 2 + 4
@ -35,35 +70,46 @@ def draw_active_alarms(stdscr, context):
stdscr.addstr(date_y, date_x, date_str)
# Get active alarm info
active_alarms = context.get('active_alarms', {})
if not active_alarms:
def _draw_active_alarm_info(self, stdscr, height, width):
"""Draw information about the active alarm"""
if not self.active_alarms:
# Get the first (or only) active alarm
alarm_id = list(active_alarms.keys())[0]
alarm_info = active_alarms[alarm_id]
alarm_id = list(self.active_alarms.keys())[0]
alarm_info = self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
alarm_config = alarm_info['config']
# Format alarm info
alarm_name = alarm_config.get('name', 'Unnamed Alarm')
alarm_time = alarm_config.get('time', 'Unknown Time')
#snooze_count = alarm_info.get('snooze_count', 0)
# Draw alarm info under the clock
info_y = start_y + 8 # Position below the clock
#alarm_str = f"[ {alarm_name} - {alarm_time} - Snoozed: {snooze_count}x ]"
alarm_str = f"[ {alarm_name} - {alarm_time} ]"
# Position alarm info above the date
date_y = height // 2 + 4 # Same as in _draw_main_clock
alarm_y = date_y - 2
alarm_x = max(0, width // 2 - len(alarm_str) // 2)
alarm_y = date_y - 2 # Just above the date
# Center the alarm info
info_x = max(0, width // 2 - len(alarm_str) // 2)
# Draw with green color
stdscr.addstr(alarm_y, alarm_x, alarm_str)
# Instructions
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, width // 2 - 15, "S: Snooze D: Dismiss")
def _draw_instructions(self, stdscr, height, width):
"""Draw the user instructions"""
if self.active_alarms:
instructions = "S: Snooze D: Dismiss"
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, width // 2 - len(instructions) // 2, instructions)
def _handle_snooze(self, alarm_id):
"""Handle snoozing the alarm"""
'type': 'snooze',
'alarm_id': alarm_id
del self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
def _handle_dismiss(self, alarm_id):
"""Handle dismissing the alarm"""
'type': 'dismiss',
'alarm_id': alarm_id
del self.active_alarms[alarm_id]

View File

@ -1,11 +1,45 @@
import curses
from datetime import datetime
from .utils import init_colors
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
def draw_add_alarm(stdscr, alarm_draft):
"""Draw the add alarm screen"""
if alarm_draft is None:
alarm_draft = {
class AddAlarmView:
def __init__(self, storage, control_queue): = storage
self.control_queue = control_queue
self.weekday_names = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
def set_alarm_data(self, alarm):
"""Load existing alarm data for editing."""
self.alarm_data = alarm # Store for pre-filling the form
# Debug log to inspect the alarm structure
import logging
logging.getLogger(__name__).debug(f"set_alarm_data received: {alarm}")
# Ensure alarm is a dictionary
if not isinstance(alarm, dict):
logging.getLogger(__name__).error(f"Invalid alarm format: {type(alarm)}")
# Parse time string
hour, minute, _ = map(int, alarm['time'].split(':')) # Extract hour and minute return
# Pre-fill the form fields with alarm data
self.alarm_draft = {
'hour': hour,
'minute': minute,
'name': alarm.get('name', 'Unnamed Alarm'),
'enabled': alarm.get('enabled', True),
'date': None, # Your structure doesn't use date directly
'weekdays': alarm.get('repeat_rule', {}).get('days_of_week', []),
'current_weekday': 0,
'editing_name': False,
'temp_name': alarm.get('name', 'Unnamed Alarm'),
'selected_item': 0
def reset_state(self):
"""Reset all state variables to their initial values"""
self.alarm_draft = {
'name': 'New Alarm',
@ -15,76 +49,119 @@ def draw_add_alarm(stdscr, alarm_draft):
'current_weekday': 0,
'editing_name': False,
'temp_name': '',
'selected_item': 0 # Added to handle selection
'selected_item': 0
self.date_edit_pos = 2 # Default to editing the day
def draw(self, stdscr):
"""Draw the add alarm screen"""
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Center the form vertically with good spacing
form_y = height // 2 - 8
# Title
self._draw_title(stdscr, form_y, width)
self._draw_time_field(stdscr, form_y + 2, width)
self._draw_date_field(stdscr, form_y + 4, width)
self._draw_weekdays(stdscr, form_y + 6, width)
self._draw_name_field(stdscr, form_y + 8, width)
self._draw_status_field(stdscr, form_y + 10, width)
self._draw_instructions(stdscr, height - 2, width)
def handle_input(self, key):
"""Handle user input and return the next view name or None to stay"""
if key == 27: # ESC
return self._handle_escape()
elif key == 10: # ENTER
return self._handle_enter()
if not self.alarm_draft['editing_name']:
if key in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]:
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] = (self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] - 1) % 6
elif key in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] = (self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] + 1) % 6
return None
def _handle_field_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for the currently selected field"""
selected_item = self.alarm_draft['selected_item']
if key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP, ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]:
is_up = key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]
if selected_item == 0:
elif selected_item == 1:
elif selected_item == 2:
elif selected_item == 3:
elif selected_item == 4:
elif selected_item == 5 and key == 32:
self.alarm_draft['enabled'] = not self.alarm_draft['enabled']
def _draw_title(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the title of the form"""
title = "Add New Alarm"
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(form_y, width // 2 - len(title) // 2, title)
stdscr.addstr(y, width // 2 - len(title) // 2, title)
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD)
def draw_field(y, label, value, is_selected):
def _draw_field(self, stdscr, y, label, value, is_selected):
"""Draw a form field with label and value"""
label_str = f"{label}: "
x = width // 2 - (len(label_str) + len(str(value))) // 2
x = self._center_text_x(label_str + str(value))
stdscr.addstr(y, x, label_str)
# Draw value (highlighted if selected)
if is_selected:
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(2)) # Highlighted selection
stdscr.addstr(y, x + len(label_str), str(value))
if is_selected:
# Get selected_item either from alarm_draft or passed separately
selected_item = alarm_draft.get('selected_item', 0)
def _draw_time_field(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the time field"""
self._draw_field(stdscr, y, "Time",
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] in [0, 1])
# Order: Time → Date → Weekdays → Name → Enabled
draw_field(form_y + 2, "Time", f"{alarm_draft['hour']:02d}:{alarm_draft['minute']:02d}",
selected_item == 0 or selected_item == 1)
def _draw_date_field(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the date field"""
date_str = "Repeating weekly" if self.alarm_draft['weekdays'] else (
self.alarm_draft['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if self.alarm_draft['date'] else "None"
self._draw_field(stdscr, y, "Date", date_str,
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] == 2)
# Date Selection
date_y = form_y + 4
if alarm_draft['weekdays']:
draw_field(date_y, "Date", "Repeating weekly", selected_item == 2)
draw_field(date_y, "Date", alarm_draft['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if alarm_draft['date'] else "None",
selected_item == 2)
# Weekday Selection
weekday_y = form_y + 6
weekday_label = "Repeat: "
label_x = width // 2 - 20 # Adjust this value to move the entire "Repeat" section left or right
# Draw the "Repeat: " label once
def _draw_weekdays(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the weekday selection field"""
label_x = width // 2 - 20
stdscr.addstr(weekday_y, label_x, weekday_label)
stdscr.addstr(y, label_x, "Repeat: ")
# Draw weekdays starting right after the label
weekday_x = label_x + len(weekday_label)
weekday_names = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
for i, day in enumerate(weekday_names):
x_pos = weekday_x + i * 4 # Space between weekdays
is_selected = (selected_item == 3 and i == alarm_draft.get('current_weekday', 0))
is_active = i in alarm_draft.get('weekdays', [])
weekday_x = label_x + len("Repeat: ")
for i, day in enumerate(self.weekday_names):
self._draw_weekday(stdscr, y, weekday_x + i * 4, day, i)
def _draw_weekday(self, stdscr, y, x, day, index):
"""Draw a single weekday"""
is_selected = (self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] == 3 and
index == self.alarm_draft['current_weekday'])
is_active = index in self.alarm_draft['weekdays']
if is_selected:
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(2)) # Highlight current selection
elif is_active:
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD) # Selected weekday
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(weekday_y, x_pos, day)
stdscr.addstr(y, x, day)
if is_selected:
@ -93,16 +170,129 @@ def draw_add_alarm(stdscr, alarm_draft):
# Name field
draw_field(form_y + 8, "Name", alarm_draft['name'], selected_item == 4)
def _draw_name_field(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the name field"""
self._draw_field(stdscr, y, "Name", self.alarm_draft['name'],
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] == 4)
# Enabled Toggle
status_y = form_y + 10
enabled_str = "● Enabled" if alarm_draft['enabled'] else "○ Disabled"
draw_field(status_y, "Status", enabled_str, selected_item == 5)
def _draw_status_field(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the enabled/disabled status field"""
enabled_str = "● Enabled" if self.alarm_draft['enabled'] else "○ Disabled"
self._draw_field(stdscr, y, "Status", enabled_str,
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] == 5)
# Instructions
def _draw_instructions(self, stdscr, y, width):
"""Draw the instructions at the bottom of the screen"""
instructions = "j/k: Change h/l: Move Space: Toggle Enter: Save Esc: Cancel"
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, width // 2 - len(instructions) // 2, instructions)
stdscr.addstr(y, width // 2 - len(instructions) // 2, instructions)
def _center_text_x(self, text):
"""Calculate x position to center text"""
return curses.COLS // 2 - len(text) // 2
def _adjust_hour(self, increase):
"""Adjust the hour value"""
delta = 1 if increase else -1
self.alarm_draft['hour'] = (self.alarm_draft['hour'] + delta) % 24
def _adjust_minute(self, increase):
"""Adjust the minute value"""
delta = 1 if increase else -1
self.alarm_draft['minute'] = (self.alarm_draft['minute'] + delta) % 60
def _adjust_date(self, increase):
"""Adjust the date value"""
if not self.alarm_draft['date']:
self.alarm_draft['date'] =
delta = 1 if increase else -1
current_date = self.alarm_draft['date']
if self.date_edit_pos == 0: # Year
new_year = max(current_date.year + delta,
self.alarm_draft['date'] = current_date.replace(year=new_year)
elif self.date_edit_pos == 1: # Month
new_month = max(1, min(12, current_date.month + delta))
max_day = (datetime(current_date.year, new_month, 1) +
timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
self.alarm_draft['date'] = current_date.replace(
elif self.date_edit_pos == 2: # Day
max_day = (datetime(current_date.year, current_date.month, 1) +
timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
new_day = max(1, min(, + delta))
self.alarm_draft['date'] = current_date.replace(day=new_day)
except ValueError as e:
# Handle date validation errors
def _handle_weekday_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for weekday selection"""
if key in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]:
self.alarm_draft['current_weekday'] = (self.alarm_draft['current_weekday'] - 1) % 7
elif key in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
self.alarm_draft['current_weekday'] = (self.alarm_draft['current_weekday'] + 1) % 7
elif key == 32: # SPACE
current_day = self.alarm_draft['current_weekday']
if current_day in self.alarm_draft['weekdays']:
if self.alarm_draft['weekdays']:
self.alarm_draft['date'] = None
def _handle_name_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for name editing"""
if key == 32: # SPACE
if not self.alarm_draft['editing_name']:
self.alarm_draft['editing_name'] = True
self.alarm_draft['temp_name'] = self.alarm_draft['name']
self.alarm_draft['name'] = ''
elif self.alarm_draft['editing_name']:
if key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 127:
self.alarm_draft['name'] = self.alarm_draft['name'][:-1]
elif 32 <= key <= 126: # Printable ASCII
self.alarm_draft['name'] += chr(key)
def _handle_escape(self):
"""Handle escape key press"""
if self.alarm_draft['editing_name']:
self.alarm_draft['name'] = self.alarm_draft['temp_name']
self.alarm_draft['editing_name'] = False
return None
return 'CLOCK'
def _handle_enter(self):
"""Handle enter key press"""
if self.alarm_draft['editing_name']:
self.alarm_draft['editing_name'] = False
self.alarm_draft['selected_item'] = 0
return None
alarm_data = {
"name": self.alarm_draft['name'],
"time": f"{self.alarm_draft['hour']:02d}:{self.alarm_draft['minute']:02d}:00",
"enabled": self.alarm_draft['enabled'],
"repeat_rule": {
"type": "weekly" if self.alarm_draft['weekdays'] else "once",
"days_of_week": [self.weekday_names[day].lower()
for day in self.alarm_draft['weekdays']],
"at": (self.alarm_draft['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if self.alarm_draft['date'] and not self.alarm_draft['weekdays']
else None)
return 'CLOCK'
except Exception as e:
# Handle save errors
return None

View File

@ -98,5 +98,13 @@ BIG_DIGITS = {
" ████ ",
" ████ ",
" "
'?': [
" ??? ",
" ????? ",
"?? ??",
" ??? ",
" ?? ?? ",
" ? "

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
import curses
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
class InputHandling:
def _handle_active_alarms_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for active alarms view"""
if not self.active_alarms:
# No active alarms, return to clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
# Get the first (or only) active alarm
alarm_id = list(self.active_alarms.keys())[0]
if key == ord('s'): # Snooze
# Send snooze command to control queue
'type': 'snooze',
'alarm_id': alarm_id
# Remove from active alarms
del self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
# Optional: show a snooze confirmation
self._show_error("Alarm Snoozed")
elif key == ord('d'): # Dismiss
# Send dismiss command to control queue
'type': 'dismiss',
'alarm_id': alarm_id
# Remove from active alarms
del self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
# Return to clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
def _handle_clock_input(self, key):
"""Handle input on the clock view"""
if key == ord('a'):
self.current_view = 'ADD_ALARM'
elif key == ord('s'):
self.current_view = 'LIST_ALARMS'
self.alarm_list =
def _handle_add_alarm_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for alarm creation"""
if not hasattr(self, 'alarm_draft'):
self.alarm_draft = {
'name': 'New Alarm',
'enabled': True,
'date': None,
'weekdays': [],
'current_weekday': 0, # Add this to track currently selected weekday
'editing_name': False,
'temp_name': ''
alarm = self.alarm_draft
# Escape key handling
if key == 27: # ESC
if alarm['editing_name']:
# Cancel name editing
alarm['name'] = alarm['temp_name']
alarm['editing_name'] = False
# Return to clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
# Enter key handling
if key == 10: # ENTER
if alarm['editing_name']:
# Finish name editing
alarm['editing_name'] = False
self.selected_item = 0
# Save alarm
alarm_data = {
"name": alarm['name'],
"time": f"{alarm['hour']:02d}:{alarm['minute']:02d}:00",
"enabled": alarm['enabled'],
"repeat_rule": {
"type": "weekly" if alarm['weekdays'] else "once",
"days_of_week": [self.weekday_names[day].lower() for day in alarm['weekdays']],
"at": alarm['date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if alarm['date'] and not alarm['weekdays'] else None
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
except Exception as e:
# Move selection using Left (h) and Right (l)
if not alarm['editing_name']:
if key in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]:
self.selected_item = (self.selected_item - 1) % 6
elif key in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
self.selected_item = (self.selected_item + 1) % 6
# Handle numeric values (Hour, Minute, Date)
if key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP, ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]:
is_up = key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]
delta = 1 if is_up else -1
if self.selected_item == 0: # Hour
alarm['hour'] = (alarm['hour'] + delta) % 24
elif self.selected_item == 1: # Minute
alarm['minute'] = (alarm['minute'] + delta) % 60
elif self.selected_item == 2: # Date
if not alarm['date']:
alarm['date'] =
if not hasattr(self, 'date_edit_pos'):
self.date_edit_pos = 2 # Default to editing the day
current_date = alarm['date']
if self.date_edit_pos == 0: # Year
alarm['date'] = current_date.replace(year=max(current_date.year + delta,
elif self.date_edit_pos == 1: # Month
new_month = max(1, min(12, current_date.month + delta))
max_day = (datetime(current_date.year, new_month, 1) + timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
alarm['date'] = current_date.replace(month=new_month, day=min(,
elif self.date_edit_pos == 2: # Day
max_day = (datetime(current_date.year, current_date.month, 1) + timedelta(days=31)).replace(day=1) - timedelta(days=1)
alarm['date'] = current_date.replace(day=max(1, min(, + delta)))
except ValueError as e:
# Weekday Selection
elif self.selected_item == 3: # When weekdays are selected
if key in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]:
# Move selection left
alarm['current_weekday'] = (alarm['current_weekday'] - 1) % 7
elif key in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]:
# Move selection right
alarm['current_weekday'] = (alarm['current_weekday'] + 1) % 7
elif key == 32: # SPACE to toggle selection
current_day = alarm['current_weekday']
if current_day in alarm['weekdays']:
# Clear date if weekdays are selected
if alarm['weekdays']:
alarm['date'] = None
# Name Editing
elif self.selected_item == 4:
if key == 32: # SPACE to start editing
if not alarm['editing_name']:
alarm['editing_name'] = True
alarm['temp_name'] = alarm['name']
alarm['name'] = ''
elif alarm['editing_name']:
if key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 127:
alarm['name'] = alarm['name'][:-1]
elif 32 <= key <= 126: # Printable ASCII
alarm['name'] += chr(key)
# Enabled/Disabled Toggle
elif self.selected_item == 5 and key == 32:
alarm['enabled'] = not alarm['enabled']
def _handle_list_alarms_input(self, key):
"""Handle input for alarm list view"""
total_items = len(self.alarm_list) + 1 # +1 for "Add new alarm" option
if key == 27: # ESC
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
elif key in [ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]:
self.selected_item = (self.selected_item + 1) % total_items
elif key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]:
self.selected_item = (self.selected_item - 1) % total_items
elif key == ord('d'):
# Only delete if a real alarm is selected (not the "Add new" option)
if self.selected_item < len(self.alarm_list) and self.alarm_list:
alarm_to_delete = self.alarm_list[self.selected_item]['id'])
self.alarm_list =
# Adjust selected item if needed
if self.selected_item >= len(self.alarm_list):
self.selected_item = len(self.alarm_list)
except Exception as e:
self._show_error(f"Failed to delete alarm: {e}")
elif key in [ord('a'), 10]: # 'a' or Enter
if self.selected_item == len(self.alarm_list):
# "Add new alarm" option selected
self.current_view = 'ADD_ALARM'
# TODO: Implement alarm editing
self._show_error("Alarm editing not implemented yet")

View File

@ -1,74 +1,128 @@
import curses
from datetime import datetime
from .utils import init_colors, draw_big_digit
def draw_list_alarms(stdscr, context):
class ListAlarmsView:
def __init__(self, storage):
"""Initialize the list alarms view""" = storage
self.weekday_names = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
self.selected_index = 0
self.alarms = []
def reset_state(self):
"""Reset the view state"""
self.selected_index = 0
self.alarms =
def update_alarms(self, alarms):
"""Update the list of alarms to display."""
self.alarms = alarms
self.selected_index = 0
def get_selected_alarm(self):
"""Get the currently selected alarm."""
if 0 <= self.selected_index < len(self.alarms):
return self.alarms[self.selected_index]
return None
def draw(self, stdscr):
"""Draw the list of alarms screen"""
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Get required data from context
alarms = context.get('alarms', [])
selected_index = context.get('selected_index', 0)
weekday_names = context.get('weekday_names', ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])
self._draw_header(stdscr, width)
visible_range = self._calculate_visible_range(height)
self._draw_alarm_list(stdscr, height, width, visible_range)
self._draw_instructions(stdscr, height, width)
# Calculate visible range for scrolling
max_visible_items = height - 8 # Leave space for header and footer
total_items = len(alarms) + 1 # +1 for "Add new alarm" option
def handle_input(self, key):
"""Handle user input and return the next view name or None to stay"""
total_items = len(self.alarms) + 1 # +1 for "Add new alarm" option
if key == 27: # ESC
return 'CLOCK'
elif key in [ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]:
self.selected_index = (self.selected_index + 1) % total_items
elif key in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]:
self.selected_index = (self.selected_index - 1) % total_items
elif key == ord('d'):
return self._handle_delete()
elif key in [ord('a'), 10]: # 'a' or Enter
return self._handle_add_edit()
return None
def _calculate_visible_range(self, height):
"""Calculate the visible range for scrolling"""
max_visible_items = height - 8 # Space for header and footer
total_items = len(self.alarms) + 1 # +1 for "Add new alarm" option
# Calculate scroll position
start_idx = max(0, min(selected_index - max_visible_items // 2,
start_idx = max(0, min(self.selected_index - max_visible_items // 2,
total_items - max_visible_items))
if start_idx < 0:
start_idx = 0
end_idx = min(start_idx + max_visible_items, total_items)
# Header
return (start_idx, end_idx)
def _draw_header(self, stdscr, width):
"""Draw the header text"""
header_text = "Alarms"
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(2, width // 2 - len(header_text) // 2, header_text)
stdscr.addstr(2, self._center_x(width, header_text), header_text)
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(1) | curses.A_BOLD)
# Draw alarms
def _draw_alarm_list(self, stdscr, height, width, visible_range):
"""Draw the list of alarms"""
start_idx, end_idx = visible_range
for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):
y_pos = 4 + (i - start_idx)
display_str = self._format_alarm_display(i)
if i == len(alarms): # "Add new alarm" option
display_str = "Add new alarm..."
alarm = alarms[i]
# Format time
time_str = alarm.get('time', 'Unknown')
# Format repeat info
repeat_info = ""
repeat_rule = alarm.get('repeat_rule', {})
if repeat_rule:
if repeat_rule.get('type') == 'weekly':
days = repeat_rule.get('days', [])
repeat_info = f" (Every {', '.join(weekday_names[d] for d in days)})"
elif repeat_rule.get('type') == 'once' and repeat_rule.get('date'):
repeat_info = f" (On {repeat_rule['date']})"
# Status indicator (in green)
status = "" if alarm.get('enabled', True) else ""
display_str = f"{status} {time_str} {alarm.get('name', 'Unnamed')}{repeat_info}"
# Truncate if too long (leaving space for selection brackets)
# Truncate if too long
max_length = width - 6
if len(display_str) > max_length:
display_str = display_str[:max_length-3] + "..."
# Center the item
x_pos = width // 2 - len(display_str) // 2
x_pos = self._center_x(width, display_str)
self._draw_alarm_item(stdscr, y_pos, x_pos, display_str, i == self.selected_index)
# Highlight selected item
if i == selected_index:
def _format_alarm_display(self, index):
"""Format the display string for an alarm"""
if index == len(self.alarms):
return "Add new alarm..."
alarm = self.alarms[index]
time_str = alarm.get('time', 'Unknown')
repeat_info = self._format_repeat_info(alarm)
status = "" if alarm.get('enabled', True) else ""
return f"{status} {time_str} {alarm.get('name', 'Unnamed')}{repeat_info}"
def _format_repeat_info(self, alarm):
"""Format the repeat information for an alarm"""
repeat_rule = alarm.get('repeat_rule', {})
if not repeat_rule:
return ""
if repeat_rule.get('type') == 'weekly':
days = repeat_rule.get('days', [])
return f" (Every {', '.join(self.weekday_names[d] for d in days)})"
elif repeat_rule.get('type') == 'once' and repeat_rule.get('date'):
return f" (On {repeat_rule['date']})"
return ""
def _draw_alarm_item(self, stdscr, y_pos, x_pos, display_str, is_selected):
"""Draw a single alarm item"""
if is_selected:
# Draw selection brackets in green
stdscr.addstr(y_pos, x_pos - 2, "[ ")
stdscr.addstr(y_pos, x_pos + len(display_str), " ]")
# Draw text in yellow (highlighted)
stdscr.addstr(y_pos, x_pos, display_str)
@ -79,8 +133,38 @@ def draw_list_alarms(stdscr, context):
stdscr.addstr(y_pos, x_pos, display_str)
# Instructions
def _draw_instructions(self, stdscr, height, width):
"""Draw the instructions at the bottom of the screen"""
instructions = "j/k: Move d: Delete a: Add/Edit Esc: Back"
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, width // 2 - len(instructions) // 2, instructions)
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, self._center_x(width, instructions), instructions)
def _center_x(self, width, text):
"""Calculate x coordinate to center text"""
return width // 2 - len(text) // 2
def _handle_delete(self):
"""Handle alarm deletion"""
if self.selected_index < len(self.alarms):
alarm_to_delete = self.alarms[self.selected_index]['id'])
self.alarms =
# Adjust selected item if needed
if self.selected_index >= len(self.alarms):
self.selected_index = len(self.alarms)
except Exception as e:
# You might want to add error handling here
return None
def _handle_add_edit(self):
"""Handle add/edit action"""
if self.selected_index == len(self.alarms):
# "Add new alarm" option selected
return 'ADD_ALARM'
# Edit existing alarm
selected_alarm = self.alarms[self.selected_index]
return ('ADD_ALARM', selected_alarm) # Pass alarm to AddAlarmView

View File

@ -2,40 +2,70 @@ import curses
from datetime import datetime
from .utils import init_colors, draw_big_digit
from .big_digits import BIG_DIGITS
from .add_alarm import draw_add_alarm
from .active_alarm import draw_active_alarms
from .list_alarms import draw_list_alarms
class MainClockView:
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the main clock view"""
self.digit_width = 14 # Width of each digit pattern in the big clock display
def draw_main_clock(stdscr, context=None):
def draw(self, stdscr):
"""Draw the main clock screen"""
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
current_time =
# Big time display
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
digit_width = 14 # Width of each digit pattern
total_width = digit_width * len(time_str)
start_x = (width - total_width) // 2
start_y = (height - 7) // 2 - 4
self._draw_big_time(stdscr, current_time, height, width)
self._draw_date(stdscr, current_time, height, width)
self._draw_menu(stdscr, height, width)
# Green color for big time
def handle_input(self, key):
"""Handle user input and return the next view name or None to stay"""
if key == ord('a'):
return 'ADD_ALARM'
elif key == ord('s'):
return 'LIST_ALARMS'
elif key == ord('q'):
return 'QUIT'
return None
def _draw_big_time(self, stdscr, current_time, height, width):
"""Draw the big time display"""
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
total_width = self.digit_width * len(time_str)
start_x = self._center_x(width, total_width)
start_y = self._center_y(height, 7) - 4 # 7 is the height of digits
# Draw each digit in green
for i, digit in enumerate(time_str):
draw_big_digit(stdscr, start_y, start_x + i * digit_width, digit)
self._draw_digit(stdscr, start_y, start_x + i * self.digit_width, digit)
# Date display
def _draw_date(self, stdscr, current_time, height, width):
"""Draw the current date"""
date_str = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
date_x = width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2
date_x = self._center_x(width, len(date_str))
date_y = height // 2 + 4
stdscr.addstr(date_y, date_x, date_str)
# Menu options
def _draw_menu(self, stdscr, height, width):
"""Draw the menu options"""
menu_str = "A: Add Alarm S: List Alarms Q: Quit"
menu_x = width // 2 - len(menu_str) // 2
menu_x = self._center_x(width, len(menu_str))
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, menu_x, menu_str)
def _draw_digit(self, stdscr, y, x, digit):
"""Draw a single big digit"""
# Delegate to the existing draw_big_digit utility function
draw_big_digit(stdscr, y, x, digit)
def _center_x(self, width, text_width):
"""Calculate x coordinate to center text horizontally"""
return (width - text_width) // 2
def _center_y(self, height, text_height):
"""Calculate y coordinate to center text vertically"""
return (height - text_height) // 2

View File

@ -1,75 +1,57 @@
import curses
import time
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
import threading
import logging
import queue
from datetime import datetime
from .utils import draw_error, init_colors
from .active_alarm import draw_active_alarms
from .add_alarm import draw_add_alarm
from .list_alarms import draw_list_alarms
from .main_clock import draw_main_clock
from .input_handlers import InputHandling
from .utils import init_colors, draw_error, ColorScheme
from .active_alarm import ActiveAlarmView
from .add_alarm import AddAlarmView
from .list_alarms import ListAlarmsView
from .main_clock import MainClockView
class UI(InputHandling):
class UI:
def __init__(self, alarm_system_manager, control_queue):
# UI State Management
"""Initialize the UI system"""
# System components
self.alarm_system = alarm_system_manager
self.stop_event = alarm_system_manager.stop_event =
# Control queue for interacting with AlarmSiren
self.control_queue = control_queue
# Logging
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Active alarm tracking
self.active_alarms = {}
# Initialize views
# UI State
def reset_ui_state(self):
"""Reset all UI state variables to their initial values"""
# Menu states
self.current_view = 'CLOCK'
self.selected_item = 0
# Alarm Creation State
self.alarm_draft = {
'name': 'New Alarm',
'enabled': True,
'date': None,
'weekdays': [],
'editing_name': False,
'temp_name': ''
# Error handling
self.error_message = None
self.error_timestamp = None
# Alarm list
self.alarm_list = []
# Weekday names (to match specification)
self.weekday_names = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
# Clear active alarms
def _init_views(self):
"""Initialize all view classes"""
self.views = {
'CLOCK': MainClockView(),
'ADD_ALARM': AddAlarmView(, self.control_queue),
'LIST_ALARMS': ListAlarmsView(,
'ACTIVE_ALARMS': ActiveAlarmView(, self.control_queue)
def run(self):
"""Start the ncurses UI in a separate thread"""
def ui_thread():
# Start a thread to monitor control queue
monitor_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitor_control_queue, daemon=True)
# Start control queue monitor
monitor_thread = threading.Thread(
# Start UI
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"UI Thread Error: {e}")
@ -88,14 +70,15 @@ class UI(InputHandling):
control_msg = self.control_queue.get(timeout=1)
# Handle different types of control messages
if control_msg['type'] == 'trigger':
# Store triggered alarm
# Update active alarms view
active_view = self.views['ACTIVE_ALARMS']
alarm_id = control_msg['alarm_id']
self.active_alarms[alarm_id] = control_msg['info']
alarm_id: control_msg['info']
# If not already in alarm view, switch to it
if self.current_view != 'ACTIVE_ALARMS':
# Switch to active alarms view
self.current_view = 'ACTIVE_ALARMS'
except queue.Empty:
@ -106,81 +89,91 @@ class UI(InputHandling):
self.logger.error(f"Error monitoring control queue: {e}")
def _show_error(self, message, duration=30):
def _show_error(self, message, duration=3):
"""Display an error message"""
self.error_message = message
self.error_timestamp = time.time()
def _main_loop(self, stdscr):
"""Main ncurses event loop"""
while not self.stop_event.is_set():
# Draw view based on current state
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
elif self.current_view == 'ADD_ALARM':
draw_add_alarm(stdscr, {
'new_alarm_selected': self.selected_item,
'new_alarm_name': self.alarm_draft['name'],
'new_alarm_hour': self.alarm_draft['hour'],
'new_alarm_minute': self.alarm_draft['minute'],
'new_alarm_enabled': self.alarm_draft['enabled'],
'new_alarm_date': self.alarm_draft['date'],
'new_alarm_weekdays': self.alarm_draft['weekdays'],
'weekday_names': self.weekday_names,
'date_edit_pos': getattr(self, 'date_edit_pos', 2)
elif self.current_view == 'LIST_ALARMS':
draw_list_alarms(stdscr, {
'alarms': self.alarm_list or [],
'weekday_names': self.weekday_names,
'selected_index': self.selected_item
elif self.current_view == 'ACTIVE_ALARMS':
# Draw active alarm view
draw_active_alarms(stdscr, {'active_alarms': self.active_alarms })
# Render error if exists
if self.error_message:
draw_error(stdscr, self.error_message)
# Handle input
key = stdscr.getch()
if key != -1:
if key == ord('q'):
# Context-sensitive 'q' key handling
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
break # Exit the application only from clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK' # Return to clock view from other views
# Context-specific input handling
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
elif self.current_view == 'ADD_ALARM':
elif self.current_view == 'LIST_ALARMS':
elif self.current_view == 'ACTIVE_ALARMS':
def _clear_error_if_expired(self):
"""Clear error message if expired"""
if self.error_message and self.error_timestamp:
if time.time() - self.error_timestamp > 3:
self.error_message = None
self.error_timestamp = None
def _main_loop(self, stdscr):
"""Main ncurses event loop"""
# Setup curses
curses.curs_set(0) # Hide cursor
stdscr.keypad(1) # Enable keypad
stdscr.timeout(100) # Non-blocking input
init_colors() # Initialize color pairs
while not self.stop_event.is_set():
# Clear screen
# Get current view
current_view = self.views.get(self.current_view)
if not current_view:
self.logger.error(f"Invalid view: {self.current_view}")
# Draw current view
# Handle any error messages
if self.error_message:
draw_error(stdscr, self.error_message)
# Refresh screen
# Handle input
key = stdscr.getch()
if key != -1:
# Handle quit key globally
if key == ord('q'):
if self.current_view == 'CLOCK':
break # Exit application from clock view
self.current_view = 'CLOCK' # Return to clock from other views
# Let current view handle input
result = current_view.handle_input(key)
# Handle tuple result (view, data) or just a view change
if isinstance(result, tuple):
next_view, data = result
next_view, data = result, None
# Handle quitting
if next_view == 'QUIT':
elif next_view:
# Update list alarms view data when switching to it
if next_view == 'LIST_ALARMS':
# Handle editing an alarm by passing data to AddAlarmView
elif next_view == 'ADD_ALARM' and data:
self.current_view = next_view
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Error in main loop: {e}")
time.sleep(0.1) # Prevent CPU hogging
def stop(self):
"""Stop the UI system"""

View File

@ -1,34 +1,138 @@
import curses
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
from .big_digits import BIG_DIGITS
class ColorScheme:
"""Color scheme configuration for the UI"""
PRIMARY = 1 # Green on black
HIGHLIGHT = 2 # Yellow on black
ERROR = 3 # Red on black
class ViewUtils:
"""Common utility functions for view classes"""
def center_x(width: int, text_width: int) -> int:
"""Calculate x coordinate to center text horizontally"""
return max(0, (width - text_width) // 2)
def center_y(height: int, text_height: int) -> int:
"""Calculate y coordinate to center text vertically"""
return max(0, (height - text_height) // 2)
def draw_centered_text(stdscr, y: int, text: str, color_pair: Optional[int] = None, attrs: int = 0):
"""Draw text centered horizontally on the screen with optional color and attributes"""
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
x = ViewUtils.center_x(width, len(text))
if color_pair is not None:
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(color_pair) | attrs)
stdscr.addstr(y, x, text)
except curses.error:
pass # Ignore errors from writing at invalid positions
if color_pair is not None:
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(color_pair) | attrs)
def init_colors():
"""Initialize color pairs matching specification"""
"""Initialize color pairs for the application"""
# Green text on black background (primary color)
curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Highlight color (yellow)
curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Error color (red)
curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
def draw_error(stdscr, error_message):
"""Draw error message following specification"""
# Primary color (green text on black background)
curses.init_pair(ColorScheme.PRIMARY, curses.COLOR_GREEN, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Highlight color (yellow text on black background)
curses.init_pair(ColorScheme.HIGHLIGHT, curses.COLOR_YELLOW, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
# Error color (red text on black background)
curses.init_pair(ColorScheme.ERROR, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
except Exception as e:
# Log error or handle gracefully if color initialization fails
def draw_error(stdscr, error_message: str, duration_sec: int = 3):
Draw error message at the bottom of the screen
stdscr: Curses window object
error_message: Message to display
duration_sec: How long the error should be displayed (for reference by caller)
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Truncate message if too long
error_message = error_message[:width-4]
max_width = width - 4
if len(error_message) > max_width:
error_message = error_message[:max_width-3] + "..."
error_x = max(0, width // 2 - len(error_message) // 2)
error_y = height - 4 # Show near bottom of screen
# Position near bottom of screen
error_y = height - 4
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(error_y, error_x, error_message)
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
def draw_big_digit(stdscr, y, x, digit):
"""Draw a big digit using predefined patterns"""
patterns = BIG_DIGITS[digit]
def draw_big_digit(stdscr, y: int, x: int, digit: str):
Draw a large digit using the predefined patterns
stdscr: Curses window object
y: Starting y coordinate
x: Starting x coordinate
digit: Character to draw ('0'-'9', ':', etc)
patterns = BIG_DIGITS.get(digit, BIG_DIGITS['?'])
for i, line in enumerate(patterns):
stdscr.addstr(y + i, x, line)
except curses.error:
continue # Skip lines that would write outside the window
except (curses.error, IndexError):
pass # Ignore any drawing errors
def safe_addstr(stdscr, y: int, x: int, text: str, color_pair: Optional[int] = None, attrs: int = 0):
Safely add a string to the screen, handling boundary conditions
stdscr: Curses window object
y: Y coordinate
x: X coordinate
text: Text to draw
color_pair: Optional color pair number
attrs: Additional curses attributes
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Check if the position is within bounds
if y < 0 or y >= height or x < 0 or x >= width:
# Truncate text if it would extend beyond screen width
if x + len(text) > width:
text = text[:width - x]
if color_pair is not None:
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(color_pair) | attrs)
stdscr.addstr(y, x, text)
if color_pair is not None:
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(color_pair) | attrs)
except curses.error:
pass # Ignore any drawing errors