188 lines
6.4 KiB
188 lines
6.4 KiB
from datetime import datetime
import curses
from big_digits import BIG_DIGITS
def _draw_error(stdscr, error_message):
"""Draw error message if present"""
if error_message:
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Truncate message if too long
error_message = error_message[:width-4]
error_x = max(0, width // 2 - len(error_message) // 2)
error_y = height - 4 # Show near bottom of screen
# Red color for errors
stdscr.attron(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
stdscr.addstr(error_y, error_x, error_message)
stdscr.attroff(curses.color_pair(3) | curses.A_BOLD)
def _draw_big_digit(stdscr, y, x, digit, big_digits):
Draw a big digit using predefined patterns
patterns = big_digits[digit]
for i, line in enumerate(patterns):
stdscr.addstr(y + i, x, line)
def _draw_big_time(stdscr, big_digits):
Draw the time in big digits
current_time = datetime.now()
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
# Get terminal dimensions
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Calculate starting position to center the big clock
digit_width = 14 # Width of each digit pattern including spacing
total_width = digit_width * len(time_str)
start_x = (width - total_width) // 2
start_y = (height - 7) // 2 - 4 # Move up a bit to make room for date
# Color for the big time
for i, digit in enumerate(time_str):
_draw_big_digit(stdscr, start_y, start_x + i * digit_width, digit, big_digits)
def _draw_main_clock(stdscr):
Draw the main clock screen
current_time = datetime.now()
time_str = current_time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
date_str = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# Get terminal dimensions
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Draw big time
# Note: You'll need to pass BIG_DIGITS from big_digits module when calling
_draw_big_time(stdscr, BIG_DIGITS)
# Draw date
date_x = width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2
date_y = height // 2 + 4 # Below the big clock
stdscr.addstr(date_y, date_x, date_str)
# Draw menu options
menu_str = "A: Add Alarm L: List Alarms Q: Quit"
menu_x = width // 2 - len(menu_str) // 2
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, menu_x, menu_str)
def _draw_add_alarm(stdscr, context):
Draw the add alarm screen
stdscr: The curses screen object
context: A dictionary containing UI state variables
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
form_y = height // 2 - 3
stdscr.addstr(form_y -1, width // 2 - 10, "Add New Alarm")
# Name input
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 4:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 1, width // 2 - 10, f"Name: {context['new_alarm_name']}")
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 4:
# Time selection
hour_str = f"{context['new_alarm_hour']:02d}"
minute_str = f"{context['new_alarm_minute']:02d}"
# Highlight selected field
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 0:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 2, width // 2 - 2, hour_str)
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 0:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 2, width // 2, ":")
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 1:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 2, width // 2 + 1, minute_str)
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 1:
# Enabled/Disabled toggle
enabled_str = "Enabled" if context['new_alarm_enabled'] else "Disabled"
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 5:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 4, width // 2 - len(enabled_str)//2, enabled_str)
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 5:
# Date selection
date_str = "No specific date" if not context['new_alarm_date'] else context['new_alarm_date'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 2:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 3, width // 2 - len(date_str) // 2, date_str)
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 2:
# Weekday selection
weekday_str = "Repeat: " + " ".join(
context['weekday_names'][i] if i in context['new_alarm_weekdays'] else "___"
for i in range(7)
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 3:
stdscr.addstr(form_y + 5, width // 2 - len(weekday_str) // 2, weekday_str)
if context['new_alarm_selected'] == 3:
# Instructions
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, 2,
"↑↓: Change ←→: Switch Space: Toggle Enter: Save Esc: Cancel")
def _draw_list_alarms(stdscr, context):
Draw the list of alarms screen
stdscr: The curses screen object
context: A dictionary containing UI state variables
height, width = stdscr.getmaxyx()
# Header
stdscr.addstr(2, width // 2 - 5, "Alarms")
if not context['alarms']:
stdscr.addstr(4, width // 2 - 10, "No alarms set")
for i, alarm in enumerate(context['alarms'][:height-6]):
# Format time and repeat information
time_str = alarm.get('time', 'Unknown')
# Format repeat info
repeat_info = ""
repeat_rule = alarm.get('repeat_rule', {})
if repeat_rule:
if repeat_rule.get('type') == 'weekly':
days = repeat_rule.get('days', [])
repeat_info = f" (Every {', '.join(context['weekday_names'][d] for d in days)})"
elif repeat_rule.get('type') == 'once' and repeat_rule.get('date'):
repeat_info = f" (On {repeat_rule['date']})"
# Status indicator
status = "✓" if alarm.get('enabled', True) else "✗"
display_str = f"{status} {time_str}{repeat_info}"
# Truncate if too long
display_str = display_str[:width-4]
stdscr.addstr(4 + i, 2, display_str)
stdscr.addstr(height - 2, 2, "D: Delete Enter: Edit Esc: Back")