216 lines
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216 lines
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import os
import time
import threading
import subprocess
import queue
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any
from logging_config import setup_logging
# Set up logging
logger = setup_logging()
class AlarmSiren:
def __init__(self):
# Communication queues
self.alarm_queue = queue.Queue()
self.control_queue = queue.Queue()
# Tracking active alarms
self.active_alarms: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
# Playback thread
self.playback_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._playback_worker, daemon=True)
def schedule_alarm(self, alarm_config: Dict[str, Any]):
"""Schedule an alarm based on its configuration"""
logger.info(f"Scheduling alarm: {alarm_config}")
def _calculate_next_alarm_time(self, alarm_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[datetime]:
"""Calculate the next alarm trigger time based on repeat rule"""
now = datetime.now()
current_time = now.time()
# Parse alarm time
alarm_time = datetime.strptime(alarm_config['time'], "%H:%M:%S").time()
# Determine the next trigger
repeat_rule = alarm_config['repeat_rule']
# Determine repeat rule type and details
if isinstance(repeat_rule, dict):
repeat_type = repeat_rule.get('type')
repeat_days = repeat_rule.get('days_of_week', [])
repeat_at = repeat_rule.get('at')
# Assume it's an object-like structure with attributes
repeat_type = getattr(repeat_rule, 'type', None)
repeat_days = getattr(repeat_rule, 'days_of_week', [])
repeat_at = getattr(repeat_rule, 'at', None)
# Sanity check
if repeat_type is None:
logger.error(f"Invalid repeat rule configuration: {repeat_rule}")
return None
if repeat_type == 'once':
# For one-time alarm, check the specific date
# If 'at' is None, use current date
if repeat_at is None:
specific_date = now.date()
specific_date = datetime.strptime(repeat_at, "%d.%m.%Y").date()
return datetime.combine(specific_date, alarm_time)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Invalid one-time alarm configuration")
return None
elif repeat_type == 'daily':
# Daily alarm - trigger today or tomorrow
next_trigger = datetime.combine(now.date(), alarm_time)
if current_time < alarm_time:
return next_trigger
return next_trigger + timedelta(days=1)
elif repeat_type == 'weekly':
# Weekly alarm - check configured days
today = now.strftime("%A").lower()
configured_days = [day.lower() for day in repeat_days]
if today in configured_days and current_time < alarm_time:
return datetime.combine(now.date(), alarm_time)
# Find next configured day
days_order = ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday']
current_index = days_order.index(today)
for offset in range(1, 8):
next_day_index = (current_index + offset) % 7
next_day = days_order[next_day_index]
if next_day in configured_days:
next_date = now.date() + timedelta(days=offset)
return datetime.combine(next_date, alarm_time)
return None
def _play_audio(self, file_path: str, volume: int = 100):
"""Play audio file using mpg123"""
# Ensure the file exists
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
logger.error(f"Audio file not found: {file_path}")
return False
# Construct mpg123 command with volume control
volume_adjust = f"-g {volume}"
cmd = ["mpg123", volume_adjust, file_path]
logger.info(f"Playing alarm: {file_path}")
# Track the process for potential interruption
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
return process
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error playing audio: {e}")
return False
def _playback_worker(self):
"""Background thread for managing alarm playback"""
while True:
# Check for new alarms to schedule
new_alarm = self.alarm_queue.get(timeout=1)
alarm_time = self._calculate_next_alarm_time(new_alarm)
if alarm_time:
self.active_alarms[new_alarm.get('id', id(new_alarm))] = {
'config': new_alarm,
'trigger_time': alarm_time,
'snooze_count': 0
except queue.Empty:
# Check for control signals (snooze/dismiss)
control_msg = self.control_queue.get(timeout=0.1)
# Handle control message logic
except queue.Empty:
# Check for alarms to trigger
now = datetime.now()
for alarm_id, alarm_info in list(self.active_alarms.items()):
if now >= alarm_info['trigger_time']:
# Trigger alarm
process = self._play_audio(
alarm_info['config'].get('metadata', {}).get('volume', 100)
# Handle repeat and snooze logic
if process:
# Wait for user interaction or timeout
# In a real implementation, this would be more sophisticated
time.sleep(30) # Placeholder for user interaction
# Determine next trigger based on repeat rule
next_trigger = self._calculate_next_alarm_time(alarm_info['config'])
if next_trigger:
alarm_info['trigger_time'] = next_trigger
del self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
time.sleep(1) # Prevent tight loop
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error in playback worker: {e}")
def snooze_alarm(self, alarm_id: int):
"""Snooze a specific alarm"""
if alarm_id not in self.active_alarms:
logger.warning(f"Cannot snooze alarm {alarm_id} - not found in active alarms")
return False
alarm_info = self.active_alarms[alarm_id]
alarm_config = alarm_info['config']
# Default snooze configuration if not provided
snooze_config = alarm_config.get('snooze', {
'enabled': True,
'duration': 5, # Default 5 minutes
'max_count': 3 # Default max 3 snoozes
# Ensure all required keys exist with default values
snooze_config.setdefault('enabled', True)
snooze_config.setdefault('duration', 5)
snooze_config.setdefault('max_count', 3)
# Check if snoozing is allowed
if not snooze_config['enabled']:
logger.warning(f"Snooze not enabled for alarm {alarm_id}")
return False
# Check snooze count
current_snooze_count = alarm_info.get('snooze_count', 0)
if current_snooze_count >= snooze_config['max_count']:
logger.warning(f"Maximum snooze count reached for alarm {alarm_id}")
return False
# Increment snooze count
alarm_info['snooze_count'] = current_snooze_count + 1
# Set next trigger time
snooze_duration = snooze_config['duration']
alarm_info['trigger_time'] = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=snooze_duration)
logger.info(f"Snoozed alarm {alarm_id} for {snooze_duration} minutes. Snooze count: {alarm_info['snooze_count']}")
return True