313 lines
7.7 KiB
313 lines
7.7 KiB
const linkArc = (d) => {
const r = Math.hypot(d.target.x - d.source.x, d.target.y - d.source.y);
return `
A${r},${r} 0 0,1 ${d.target.x},${d.target.y}
const drag = (simulation) => {
function dragstarted(event, d) {
if (!event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
d.fx = d.x;
d.fy = d.y;
function dragged(event, d) {
d.fx = event.x;
d.fy = event.y;
function dragended(event, d) {
if (!event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0);
d.fx = null;
d.fy = null;
return d3
.on("start", dragstarted)
.on("drag", dragged)
.on("end", dragended);
// const drawChart = (data) => {
// // Specify the dimensions of the chart.
// const width = 1600;
// const height = 1200;
// // Specify the color scale.
// const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);
// // The force simulation mutates links and nodes, so create a copy
// // so that re-evaluating this cell produces the same result.
// const links = data.links.map((d) => ({ ...d }));
// const nodes = data.nodes.map((d) => ({ ...d }));
// // Create a simulation with several forces.
// const simulation = d3
// .forceSimulation(nodes)
// .force(
// "link",
// d3.forceLink(links).id((d) => d.id),
// )
// .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
// .force("x", d3.forceX())
// .force("y", d3.forceY());
// // Create the SVG container.
// const svg = d3
// .create("svg")
// .attr("width", width)
// .attr("height", height)
// .attr("viewBox", [-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height])
// .attr("style", "max-width: 100%; height: auto;");
// // Add a line for each link, and a circle for each node.
// const link = svg
// .append("g")
// .attr("stroke", "#999")
// .attr("stroke-opacity", 0.6)
// .selectAll("line")
// .data(links)
// .join("line")
// .attr("stroke-width", 1); // (d) => Math.sqrt(d.value));
// const node = svg
// .append("g")
// .attr("stroke", "#fff")
// .attr("stroke-width", 1.5)
// .selectAll("circle")
// .data(nodes)
// .join("circle")
// .attr("r", 5)
// .attr("fill", (d) => color(d.group));
// node.append("title").text((d) => d.id);
// // Add a drag behavior.
// node.call(
// d3.drag().on("start", dragstarted).on("drag", dragged).on("end", dragended),
// );
// // Set the position attributes of links and nodes each time the simulation ticks.
// simulation.on("tick", () => {
// link
// .attr("x1", (d) => d.source.x)
// .attr("y1", (d) => d.source.y)
// .attr("x2", (d) => d.target.x)
// .attr("y2", (d) => d.target.y);
// node.attr("cx", (d) => d.x).attr("cy", (d) => d.y);
// });
// // Reheat the simulation when drag starts, and fix the subject position.
// function dragstarted(event) {
// if (!event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
// event.subject.fx = event.subject.x;
// event.subject.fy = event.subject.y;
// }
// // Update the subject (dragged node) position during drag.
// function dragged(event) {
// event.subject.fx = event.x;
// event.subject.fy = event.y;
// }
// // Restore the target alpha so the simulation cools after dragging ends.
// // Unfix the subject position now that it’s no longer being dragged.
// function dragended(event) {
// if (!event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0);
// event.subject.fx = null;
// event.subject.fy = null;
// }
// // When this cell is re-run, stop the previous simulation. (This doesn’t
// // really matter since the target alpha is zero and the simulation will
// // stop naturally, but it’s a good practice.)
// // invalidation.then(() => simulation.stop());
// return svg.node();
// };
const drawChart2 = (data) => {
const width = window.visualViewport.width;
const height = window.visualViewport.height - 10;
const colors = Array.from(new Set(data.map((d) => d.traceId)));
const nodes = Array.from(
new Set(data.flatMap((l) => [l.source, l.target])),
(id) => ({ id }),
const links = data.map((d) => Object.create(d));
const color = d3.scaleOrdinal(colors, d3.schemeCategory10);
const simulation = d3
d3.forceLink(links).id((d) => d.id),
.force("charge", d3.forceManyBody().strength(-400))
.force("x", d3.forceX())
.force("y", d3.forceY());
// Canvas settings
const svg = d3
.attr("viewBox", [-width / 2, -height / 2, width, height])
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.attr("style", "max-width: 100%; height: auto; font: 14px monospace;");
// Per-type markers, as they don't inherit styles.
.attr("id", (d) => `arrow-${d}`)
.attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
.attr("refX", 15)
.attr("refY", -0.5)
.attr("markerWidth", 6)
.attr("markerHeight", 6)
.attr("orient", "auto")
.attr("fill", color)
.attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5");
const link = svg
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke-width", 1.5)
.attr("stroke", (d) => color(d.traceId))
(d) => `url(${new URL(`#arrow-${d.traceId}`, location)})`,
const node = svg
.attr("fill", "currentColor")
.attr("stroke-linecap", "round")
.attr("stroke-linejoin", "round")
.attr("stroke", "white")
.attr("stroke-width", 1.5)
.attr("r", 4);
.attr("x", 8)
.attr("y", "0.31em")
.text((d) => (d.id.endsWith("*") ? "*" : d.id))
.attr("fill", "none")
.attr("stroke", "white")
.attr("stroke-width", 3);
simulation.on("tick", () => {
link.attr("d", linkArc);
node.attr("transform", (d) => `translate(${d.x},${d.y})`);
// invalidation.then(() => simulation.stop());
return Object.assign(svg.node(), { scales: { color } });
const getId = (hop, prevId, trace) => {
if (prevId === null) {
return trace.origin;
if (hop.name === "*") {
return `${trace.id}-${hop.number}-*`;
return hop.ip;
const parseNodesAndLinks = (traces) => {
const result = {
nodes: [],
links: [],
traces.forEach((trace) => {
let prevId = null;
trace.hops.forEach((hop) => {
const id = getId(hop, prevId, trace);
// New node
id: id,
radius: 8,
value: hop.name || "name?",
origin: trace.origin,
if (prevId) {
// New link
source: prevId,
target: id,
traceId: trace.id,
origin: trace.origin,
prevId = id;
// Last "destination" node
id: trace.id,
radius: 8,
value: trace.target,
origin: trace.origin,
if (prevId) {
// New link
source: prevId,
target: trace.target,
traceId: trace.id,
origin: trace.origin,
// { id: ip, group: origin, radius: 2 }
// { source: prev.ip, target: ip, value: latency }
return result;
async function main() {
const response = await fetch("/trace/");
const traces = await response.json();
console.log("Traces:", traces);
const data = parseNodesAndLinks(traces);
console.log("Data:", data);
const chart = drawChart2(data.links);