Some debugging
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ mkDerivation, acid-state, base, bytestring, containers, feed
, free, http-client, http-client-tls, lens, lib, mtl, safecopy
, servant, servant-server, text, xdg-basedir
, servant, servant-server, text, time, xdg-basedir, xml-conduit
mkDerivation {
pname = "FeedMonad";
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ mkDerivation {
src = ./.;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
acid-state base bytestring containers feed free http-client
http-client-tls lens mtl safecopy servant servant-server text
http-client-tls lens mtl safecopy servant servant-server text time
xdg-basedir xml-conduit
license = "unknown";
hydraPlatforms = lib.platforms.none;
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Control.Lens (from, lazy, re, view, _Just)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Entry (Entry(..), Tag(Tag))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text.Strict.Lens (unpacked, utf8)
import Data.URL (URL(URL), _URL)
@ -23,18 +22,20 @@ import Text.XML
, renderLBS
import Data.Time (parseTimeM, rfc822DateFormat, defaultTimeLocale, iso8601DateFormat)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
parseAtom :: Atom.Feed -> [Entry]
parseAtom Atom.Feed{Atom.feedEntries=es} = mapMaybe parseEntry es
parseAtom :: Atom.Feed -> [Either Text Entry]
parseAtom Atom.Feed{Atom.feedEntries=es} = map parseEntry es
parseEntry :: Atom.Entry -> Maybe Entry
parseEntry :: Atom.Entry -> Either Text Entry
parseEntry atomEntry = Entry
<$> view (unpacked . from _URL . re _Just) entryId
<*> title
<*> content
<$> note "Missing entry id" (view (unpacked . from _URL . re _Just) entryId)
<*> note "Missing title" title
<*> note "Missing content" content
<*> pure 0
<*> pure mempty
<*> (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S%Q%EZ")) . view unpacked =<< entryPublished)
<*> note ("Missing time: " <> T.pack (show entryUpdated)) (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S%Q%EZ")) . view unpacked $ entryUpdated)
content =
case entryContent of
@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ parseAtom Atom.Feed{Atom.feedEntries=es} = mapMaybe parseEntry es
Atom.Entry{ Atom.entryId
, Atom.entryTitle
, Atom.entryContent
, Atom.entryPublished } = atomEntry
, Atom.entryUpdated } = atomEntry
renderElement :: [Element] -> ByteString
renderElement els = renderLBS def doc
@ -58,18 +59,23 @@ renderElement els = renderLBS def doc
doc = Document {documentPrologue = prologue, documentRoot = el, documentEpilogue = []}
prologue = Prologue {prologueBefore = [], prologueDoctype = Nothing, prologueAfter = []}
parseRSS :: RSS.RSS -> [Entry]
-- | Add context to a Maybe by converting it into an Either
note :: e -> Maybe a -> Either e a
note e Nothing = Left e
note _ (Just a) = Right a
parseRSS :: RSS.RSS -> [Either Text Entry]
parseRSS RSS.RSS{RSS.rssChannel=RSS.RSSChannel{RSS.rssItems = items}} =
mapMaybe parseItem items
map parseItem items
parseItem :: RSS.RSSItem -> Maybe Entry
parseItem :: RSS.RSSItem -> Either Text Entry
parseItem item = Entry
<$> (URL . view unpacked <$> rssItemLink)
<*> rssItemTitle
<*> (regularContent <> Just otherContent)
<$> note "Missing entry url" (URL . view unpacked <$> rssItemLink)
<*> note "Missing title" rssItemTitle
<*> note "Missing content" (regularContent <> Just otherContent)
<*> pure 0
<*> pure (foldMap (S.singleton . Tag . RSS.rssCategoryValue) rssItemCategories)
<*> (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat . view unpacked =<< rssItemPubDate)
<*> note ("Missing time: " <> T.pack (show rssItemPubDate)) (parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat . view unpacked =<< rssItemPubDate)
regularContent = view (re utf8 . lazy) <$> rssItemContent
otherContent = renderElement (concatMap (toList . fromXMLElement) rssItemOther)
@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ parseRSS RSS.RSS{RSS.rssChannel=RSS.RSSChannel{RSS.rssItems = items}} =
, RSS.rssItemPubDate
} = item
parseEntries :: Feed -> [Entry]
parseEntries :: Feed -> [Either Text Entry]
parseEntries (AtomFeed atom) = parseAtom atom
parseEntries (RSSFeed rss) = parseRSS rss
parseEntries (RSS1Feed _rss1) = trace "rss1" []
@ -2,17 +2,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module FeedMonad where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad.App (App, runApp)
import Control.Monad.HTTP (execute, fetch)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Data.Acid (AcidState(closeAcidState), openLocalState, query, update)
import Data.Category (Category)
import Data.Environment
import Data.Foldable (for_, toList)
import Data.Foldable (for_, toList, traverse_)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database
( CountEntries(CountEntries)
@ -27,6 +28,12 @@ import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Text.Feed.Import (parseFeedSource)
import Data.Entry (Entry(entryURL))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TI
import Trace
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Functor.Contravariant ((>$<))
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
newtype Minutes = Minutes Natural
@ -52,17 +59,45 @@ defaultConfig = FeedMonad
, secretToken = "i am a secret"
data TraceMsg
= UpdateFeed FeedId UpdateMsg
| UpdateFeeds
updateFeeds :: FeedMonad -> App ()
updateFeeds f = do
mgr <- asks environmentManager
st <- asks environmentAcidState
for_ (feeds f) $ \c -> for_ c $ \fid -> liftIO $ do
let FeedId u = fid
entries <- maybe [] parseEntries . parseFeedSource <$> liftIO (execute mgr (fetch u))
finalEntries <- foldMap (\e -> M.singleton (EntryId $ entryURL e) e) <$> traverse (execute mgr . filters f pure) entries
newEntries <- query st (UnseenEntries fid (M.keysSet finalEntries))
update st (SaveEntries fid (foldMap (\eid -> toList $ M.lookup eid finalEntries) newEntries))
data UpdateMsg
= Start
| NewEntries Int
| Failures [Text]
formatTraceMsg :: TraceMsg -> Maybe Text
formatTraceMsg (UpdateFeed fi Start) = Just $ T.pack $ printf "Updating feed %s" (show fi)
formatTraceMsg (UpdateFeed fi (NewEntries n)) = Just $ T.pack $ printf "Feed (%s) has %d new entries" (show fi) n
formatTraceMsg (UpdateFeed _ (Failures [])) = Nothing
formatTraceMsg (UpdateFeed fi (Failures failures)) = Just $ T.pack $ printf "Feed (%s) has %d failures: %s" (show fi) (length failures) (show failures)
formatTraceMsg UpdateFeeds = Just $ T.pack $ printf "Updating feeds"
logTrace :: MonadIO m => Trace m (Maybe Text)
logTrace = Trace $ \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just msg -> liftIO . TI.putStrLn $ msg
updateFeeds :: Trace App TraceMsg -> FeedMonad -> App ()
updateFeeds trace f = do
runTrace trace UpdateFeeds
for_ (feeds f) $
traverse_ (\fid -> updateFeed (UpdateFeed fid >$< trace) fid)
updateFeed :: Trace App UpdateMsg -> FeedId -> App ()
updateFeed t fid = do
let FeedId u = fid
mgr <- asks environmentManager
st <- asks environmentAcidState
runTrace t Start
(failures, entries) <- liftIO (partitionEithers . maybe [] parseEntries . parseFeedSource <$> liftIO (execute mgr (fetch u)))
runTrace t (Failures failures)
finalEntries <- liftIO (foldMap (\e -> M.singleton (EntryId $ entryURL e) e) <$> traverse (execute mgr . filters f pure) entries)
newEntries <- liftIO (query st (UnseenEntries fid (M.keysSet finalEntries)))
runTrace t (NewEntries (length newEntries))
liftIO (update st (SaveEntries fid (foldMap (\eid -> toList $ M.lookup eid finalEntries) newEntries)))
queryCategory :: FeedMonad -> App [Category (FeedId, Int)]
queryCategory = traverse (traverse q) . feeds
@ -73,10 +108,11 @@ queryCategory = traverse (traverse q) . feeds
(fid, ) <$> liftIO (query st (CountEntries fid))
defaultMain :: FeedMonad -> IO ()
defaultMain f =
defaultMain f = do
let trace = formatTraceMsg >$< logTrace
bracket (openLocalState emptyFeedMonadState) closeAcidState $ \st -> do
mgr <- newTlsManager
runApp (Environment mgr st) $ do
updateFeeds f
updateFeeds trace f
cat <- queryCategory f
liftIO $ print cat
@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ module Trace where
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Op(..), Contravariant)
import Data.Monoid (Ap(..))
newtype Trace m a = Trace { trace :: a -> m () }
newtype Trace m a = Trace { runTrace :: a -> m () }
deriving Contravariant via Op (m ())
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Op (Ap m ()) a
Reference in New Issue
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