Still broken. Trying to make the update procedure to make sense.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import hashlib
import argparse
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Set, Optional
from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
from thefuzz import fuzz, process
@ -137,108 +137,188 @@ class DocumentManager:
class MarkdownProcessor:
"""Processes markdown files and stores content in the database."""
def __init__(self, db_manager: 'DatabaseManager') -> None:
"""Initialize the MarkdownProcessor."""
self.db_manager = db_manager
def process_markdown(self, markdown_file: str, document_id: int) -> None:
"""Process a markdown file and store its content in the database."""
markdown_text = self.read_markdown_file(markdown_file)
md = MarkdownIt()
tokens = md.parse(markdown_text)
self.store_markdown_content(tokens, document_id)
self.update_document_content(tokens, document_id)
def read_markdown_file(self, file_path: str) -> str:
"""Read content from a markdown file."""
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
def clear_document_content(self, document_id: int) -> None:
"""Clear existing content for a document in the database."""
logging.debug(f"!! DELETING FROM DATABASE, document_id: {document_id}")
self.db_manager.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM headings WHERE document_id = ?', (document_id,))
self.db_manager.cursor.execute('DELETE FROM body WHERE document_id = ?', (document_id,))
def store_markdown_content(self, tokens: List, document_id: int) -> None:
"""Store parsed markdown content in the database."""
parent_stack: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] # (level, heading_id)
current_heading_id = None
for token in tokens:
content_preview = ' '.join(token.content.split()[:10]) + '...' \
if len(token.content.split()) > 10 else token.content
#logging.debug(f"Processing token: {token.type}, content: {content_preview}")
if token.type == 'heading_open':
level = int(token.tag.strip('h'))
content_token = tokens[tokens.index(token) + 1]
title = content_token.content
# Find the appropriate parent
while parent_stack and parent_stack[-1][0] >= level:
parent_id = parent_stack[-1][1] if parent_stack else None
current_heading_id = self.insert_heading(level, title, parent_id, document_id)
parent_stack.append((level, current_heading_id))
elif token.type == 'inline' and current_heading_id and token.content.strip():
# Only insert non-empty content that's not part of a heading
if tokens[tokens.index(token) - 1].type != 'heading_open':
self.insert_body(token.content, current_heading_id, document_id)
def update_document_content(self, tokens: List, document_id: int) -> None:
existing_structure = self.get_existing_document_structure(document_id)
new_structure = self.parse_new_structure(tokens)
self.merge_structures(existing_structure, new_structure, document_id)
def get_existing_document_structure(self, document_id: int) -> Dict:
structure = {}
SELECT, h.level, h.title, h.parent_id, b.content
FROM headings h
LEFT JOIN body b ON = b.heading_id
WHERE h.document_id = ? AND h.isDeleted = 0
ORDER BY h.level,
''', (document_id,))
for heading_id, level, title, parent_id, content in self.db_manager.cursor.fetchall():
structure[heading_id] = {
'level': level,
'title': title,
'parent_id': parent_id,
'content': content,
'children': []
# Build the tree structure
root = {}
for id, node in structure.items():
if node['parent_id'] in structure:
root[id] = node
return root
def parse_new_structure(self, tokens: List) -> Dict:
structure = {}
current_heading = None
current_content = []
parent_stack = [{"id": None, "level": 0}]
for token in tokens:
if token.type == 'heading_open':
if current_heading:
structure[current_heading]['content'] = ''.join(current_content).strip()
level = int(token.tag.strip('h'))
while parent_stack[-1]['level'] >= level:
current_heading = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Generate a temporary ID
structure[current_heading] = {
'level': level,
'title': '',
'parent_id': parent_stack[-1]['id'],
'content': '',
'children': []
parent_stack.append({"id": current_heading, "level": level})
current_content = []
elif token.type == 'heading_close':
structure[current_heading]['content'] = ''.join(current_content).strip()
elif token.type == 'inline' and current_heading:
if structure[current_heading]['title'] == '':
structure[current_heading]['title'] = token.content
elif current_heading:
if current_heading:
structure[current_heading]['content'] = ''.join(current_content).strip()
return structure
def merge_structures(self, existing: Dict, new: Dict, document_id: int) -> None:
def merge_recursive(existing_node, new_node, parent_id):
if not existing_node:
# This is a new node, insert it
heading_id = self.insert_heading(new_node['level'], new_node['title'], parent_id, document_id)
self.insert_body(new_node['content'], heading_id, document_id)
for child in new_node['children']:
merge_recursive(None, new[child], heading_id)
# Update existing node
self.update_heading(existing_node['id'], new_node['title'], new_node['level'], parent_id)
self.update_body(existing_node['id'], new_node['content'], document_id)
# Process children
existing_children = {child['title']: child for child in existing_node['children']}
new_children = {child['title']: child for child in new_node['children']}
for title, child in new_children.items():
if title in existing_children:
merge_recursive(existing_children[title], child, existing_node['id'])
merge_recursive(None, child, existing_node['id'])
for title, child in existing_children.items():
if title not in new_children:
for new_root in new.values():
existing_root = next((node for node in existing.values() if node['title'] == new_root['title']), None)
merge_recursive(existing_root, new_root, None)
def insert_heading(self, level: int, title: str, parent_id: Optional[int], document_id: int) -> int:
"""Insert a heading into the database."""
logging.debug(f"Inserting title: {title} level: {level}")
INSERT INTO headings (level, title, parent_id, document_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (level, title, parent_id, document_id))
return self.db_manager.cursor.lastrowid
def update_heading(self, heading_id: int, title: str, level: int, parent_id: Optional[int]) -> None:
UPDATE headings
SET title = ?, level = ?, parent_id = ?, updated_timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
WHERE id = ?
''', (title, level, parent_id, heading_id))
def insert_body(self, content: str, heading_id: int, document_id: int) -> None:
"""Insert body content into the database with checksumming."""
md5sum = hashlib.md5(content.encode()).hexdigest()
INSERT INTO body (content, heading_id, document_id, md5sum)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
''', (content, heading_id, document_id, md5sum))
def update_body(self, heading_id: int, content: str, document_id: int) -> None:
md5sum = hashlib.md5(content.encode()).hexdigest()
SET content = ?, md5sum = ?, updated_timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
WHERE heading_id = ? AND document_id = ?
''', (content, md5sum, heading_id, document_id))
def soft_delete_heading(self, heading_id: int) -> None:
now =
UPDATE headings
SET isDeleted = 1, deleted_timestamp = ?
WHERE id = ?
''', (now, heading_id))
# Also soft delete associated body content
SET isDeleted = 1, deleted_timestamp = ?
WHERE heading_id = ?
''', (now, heading_id))
class TopicReader:
"""Reads and retrieves topics from the database."""
def __init__(self, db_manager: 'DatabaseManager'):
Initialize the TopicReader.
db_manager (DatabaseManager): An instance of DatabaseManager.
self.db_manager = db_manager
def fetch_headings(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str, int]]:
Fetch all non-deleted headings from the database.
self.db_manager.cursor.execute('SELECT id, title, level FROM headings WHERE isDeleted = 0 ORDER BY level, id')
def fetch_headings(self) -> List[Tuple[int, str, int, Optional[int]]]:
SELECT id, title, level, parent_id
FROM headings
WHERE isDeleted = 0
ORDER BY level, id
return self.db_manager.cursor.fetchall()
def fetch_topic_chain(self, heading_id: int) -> List[Tuple[int, str, int]]:
Fetch the topic chain (hierarchy of parent topics) for a given heading.
List[Tuple[int, str, int]]: List of (id, title, level) tuples representing the topic chain.
chain = []
current_id = heading_id
while current_id is not None:
self.db_manager.cursor.execute('SELECT id, title, level, parent_id FROM headings WHERE id = ?', (current_id,))
SELECT id, title, level, parent_id
FROM headings
WHERE id = ?
''', (current_id,))
result = self.db_manager.cursor.fetchone()
if result:
chain.append((result[0], result[1], result[2]))
@ -247,119 +327,74 @@ class TopicReader:
return list(reversed(chain))
def list_headings(self) -> str:
List all available headings in a hierarchical structure.
str: A formatted string containing all headings.
def list_headings(self) -> str:
headings = self.fetch_headings()
result = "Available headings:\n"
for _, title, level in headings:
indent = " " * (level - 1)
result += f"{indent}- {title}\n"
def build_tree(parent_id, level):
tree = ""
for id, title, hlevel, parent in headings:
if parent == parent_id:
indent = " " * (hlevel - 1)
tree += f"{indent}- {title}\n"
tree += build_tree(id, hlevel + 1)
return tree
result += build_tree(None, 1)
return result.strip()
def fetch_body_and_subtopics(self, heading_id: int, include_subtopics: bool = True, level_offset: int = 0) -> str:
Fetch body content and subtopics for a given heading with improved Markdown formatting.
heading_id (int): ID of the heading to fetch.
include_subtopics (bool): Whether to include subtopics in the result.
level_offset (int): Offset to adjust heading levels for proper nesting.
str: Formatted string containing the heading content and subtopics.
# Fetch the current heading and body content
self.db_manager.cursor.execute('SELECT level, title FROM headings WHERE id = ?', (heading_id,))
level, title = self.db_manager.cursor.fetchone()
# Adjust the level based on the offset
adjusted_level = max(1, level - level_offset)
# Fetch the content for this heading
self.db_manager.cursor.execute('SELECT content FROM body WHERE heading_id = ?', (heading_id,))
rows = self.db_manager.cursor.fetchall()
body_content = '\n'.join([row[0] for row in rows])
# Construct the result with proper spacing
result = f"\n{'#' * adjusted_level} {title}\n\n"
if body_content.strip():
result += f"{body_content.strip()}\n\n"
if include_subtopics:
# Fetch all subtopics that are children of the current heading
subtopics = self._fetch_subtopics(heading_id, adjusted_level)
for subtopic_id, _, _ in subtopics:
# Recursively fetch subtopic content
subtopic_content = self.fetch_body_and_subtopics(subtopic_id, include_subtopics=True, level_offset=level_offset)
result += subtopic_content
return result.strip() + "\n" # Ensure there's a newline at the end of each section
def get_topic_content(self, input_title: str) -> Optional[str]:
Get the content of a topic based on the input title, including its topic chain and subtopics.
str or None: Formatted string containing the topic chain, content, and subtopics, or None if not found.
heading_id = self.find_closest_heading(input_title)
if heading_id:
topic_chain = self.fetch_topic_chain(heading_id)
result = ""
for i, (id, title, level) in enumerate(topic_chain):
if id == heading_id:
# Fetch the full content for the selected topic and its subtopics
result += self.fetch_body_and_subtopics(id, include_subtopics=True, level_offset=i)
# Include only the heading chain without duplicating content
result += f"\n{'#' * (level - i)} {title}\n\n"
return result.strip() + "\n" # Ensure there's a final newline
print(f"No topic found matching '{input_title}'.")
result = self.build_full_content(topic_chain[-1][0])
return result
return None
def _fetch_subtopics(self, heading_id: int, parent_level: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
Fetch all subtopics that are children of the given heading.
List of tuples containing the subtopic's ID, level, and title.
def build_full_content(self, heading_id: int, level_offset: int = 0) -> str:
SELECT id, level, title
FROM headings
SELECT h.level, h.title, b.content
FROM headings h
LEFT JOIN body b ON = b.heading_id
WHERE = ? AND h.isDeleted = 0
''', (heading_id,))
heading = self.db_manager.cursor.fetchone()
if not heading:
return ""
level, title, content = heading
adjusted_level = max(1, level - level_offset)
result = f"{'#' * adjusted_level} {title}\n\n"
if content:
result += f"{content.strip()}\n\n"
# Fetch and process all child headings
SELECT id FROM headings
WHERE parent_id = ? AND isDeleted = 0
ORDER BY level, id
''', (heading_id,))
return self.db_manager.cursor.fetchall()
children = self.db_manager.cursor.fetchall()
for child in children:
result += self.build_full_content(child[0], level_offset)
return result
def find_closest_heading(self, input_title: str) -> Optional[int]:
Find the closest matching heading to the input title using fuzzy matching.
int or None: ID of the closest matching heading, or None if no match found.
headings = self.fetch_headings()
if not headings:
print("No topics found in the database.")
return None
heading_titles = [title for _, title, _ in headings]
heading_titles = [title for _, title, _, _ in headings]
closest_match, confidence = process.extractOne(input_title, heading_titles, scorer=fuzz.token_sort_ratio)
if confidence < 50:
print(f"No close matches found for '{input_title}' (Confidence: {confidence})")
return None
for heading_id, title, level in headings:
for heading_id, title, _, _ in headings:
if title == closest_match:
return heading_id
Reference in New Issue
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