My calendar thing. Maybe this is more like generic markdown management system? IDK, seems like fun thing tho..
Go to file
2024-10-03 21:02:29 +03:00 Some what working demo. The query result are still little bit wonky.. 2024-10-03 20:51:28 +03:00 readme... 2024-10-03 21:02:29 +03:00

This script processes a markdown file by reading its content and updates an SQLite database with document content and metadata. The user can then select specific topics based on command-line arguments. The script tracks changes using MD5 hashes and ensures the database reflects the current state of the markdown filarguments

usage: $ python3.11 --bootstrap $ python3.11 September $ nvim $ python3.11

arguments: -m, --markdown: Path to markdown file (default: ''). -d, --database: Path to SQLite database file (default: 'markdown.db'). topic_title: Optional topic for content selection (fuzzy matching enabled). --bootstrap: If provided, generates markdown calendar for the current year and loads it to the database. --ls: If provided, lists all available headings.